~I~ Death of a girl

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The life of Andromeda Conway began the day Coriolanus Snow paid a visit to District Four. She was twelve at a time, barely an adolescent. She didn't expect that her life would change. She didn't expect much at all. 

The day started as any other would. As soon as the girl got dressed, her mother sat her down and thoroughly combed her long, brown hair. She fixed the collar of her daughter's new dress and smoothed out a few creases that formed on its side. It didn't take long but she could still feel the child getting impatient. 

Andromeda bolted out the door, the second she was declared presentable enough to show her face in school. She threw a quiet goodbye over her shoulder and left without waiting for an answer. 

Remembering how her mother begged her not to run once her hair had been prepared for the day, she opted to skip down the street. In her mind, it was far enough from jogging to be acceptable. As usual, she happily greeted everyone who passed by her, diffusing a thin mist of happiness around the neighbourhood. 

Her morning stroll stopped in front of a familiar building with blue walls and a beautiful garden. The twelve-year-old knocked on the wooden door. Soon enough it opened, revealing a young blonde woman with a radiant smile and glistening eyes. 

"Good morning Mrs Odair!" Andromeda chirped. "Is Finnick ready?" 

"Well, I should hope so," the lady of the house smiled. She then turned her back. "Finnick!" Rommy is waiting for you!"

An unintelligible yell echoed inside. The two could only hope that it was supposed to mean 'I'll be there in a second'. 

"Oh actually, before he gets here, I have something for you!" Mrs. Odair remembered. "Come inside, I think I left it in the kitchen." 

The girl obediently followed her inside the house. She watched as the woman grabbed a small package off the kitchen counter and extended it towards her guest. Andromeda hesitantly untangled the silky ribbon and unfolded the brown paper that held her gift. Inside, there was a white headband with a silver, trident-shaped pin attached to it. 

"I talked to your mom and she told me what you'd be wearing today," her best friend's mother explained. "I thought that this could help finish off your look! Do you like it?" 

She did. It was perhaps the prettiest thing that her childish eyes had ever seen. When she spoke, her voice was soaked with pure sincerity.

"It's beautiful! Thank you so much!" 

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Here, let me help you put it on!" 

Finnick's mother delicately placed the accessory on Andromeda's head and smoothed out any flyaway hairs that managed to move during the girl's short journey. She then pulled her in for a long hug, relishing in the strength with which the twelve-year-old reciprocated. 

Even though in the eyes of people Amelia Odair only had a son, she knew that she also had a daughter, not by blood but by the love they shared. Her life was forever tangled with the child that she now held in her arms

As if sensing that a moment was happening without him, Finnick ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"I'm ready! Hi, Rommy! You look... Elegant. And nice." 

"Thank you!" The girl exclaimed, twirling a little in her new dress. "Mom told me that I have to be very careful today. She said that I 'need to look impeccable for when the president arrives'."

"And she's right!" Amelia nodded. "Remember that you will be representing all of District Four."

"Yes, yes, I know. Mom said the same thing!"

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