Chapter 4

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I love tropical places. The intoxicating scent of coconut and salt water mixed is so refreshing. Rolling hills and luscious greenery are the perfect backdrop to the immaculate villas spread throughout the resort. I pinch myself just to be sure this paradise is my current reality.

After checking in, we board a shuttle to our villas. Winding down cobblestone roads, our driver takes us on a scenic tour of the impressive grounds. I close my eyes for a beat, relaxing for the first time in months, letting my hair blow in the warm wind, and my ears listen to exotic birds chirping in the distance. I see iguanas crawling through grass and monkeys swinging from trees when I open my eyes. I feel immersed in my private jungle.

The shuttle stopped, and our driver walked around the back end to remove luggage from the trunk. He points to a two-story villa overlooking a ravine filled with stork-like birds.

"This one is for you ladies," he says in broken English.

"Okay, girls, get out," Jessica says. "Welcome to your villa."

I followed our driver up the cobblestone pathway, with Stephanie and Michelle following behind. He swiped a key card and opened the door.

Stephanie and Michelle scurry inside to ooh and awe over the extravagant amenities. I stay outside on the pathway, thank our driver, and tip him well. I glance back towards the shuttle and wave to everyone still on board, watching them sip on welcome drinks.

No one pays me any attention other than Ben. He gives me a wink, flashing a cocky grin as the driver shifts the shuttle into drive and moves forward down the road.

It takes me several long seconds to inhale after he does this. I hate the prickling sensation along my arms and neck more than almost anything.

"Megan, come on in. You have to see this place," Michelle shouts from inside. "The mini-fridge is stocked with everything."

When I walked inside, Michelle and Stephanie wasted no time making themselves at home. They had helped themselves to beer from the mini-fridge and opened a bag of complimentary chocolate-covered almonds.

"Want a beer?" Michelle asks, holding out a beer can in my direction.

I shake my head. "No, thanks. I'm going to unpack first."

Stephanie scoffs. Michelle and I noticed her reaction to my choice to decline a drink.

"What?" I ask.

"Just have a beer," Stephanie says, refusing to catch my eye. "You can be such a party pooper sometimes."

Did I mention Stephanie isn't my favourite person?

Michelle hands me a beer and kisses my cheek. "Meg is not a party pooper. She's a responsible maid of honour."

To spite Stephanie, I open the beer can and take a long, satisfying sip.

"That's the spirit," Michelle says, raising her beer can. "Cheers, ladies."

We clinked our cans together, and I could tell by the forced smile on Stephanie's face that sharing a villa with her for an entire week would test my sanity.

"Okay," Michelle says, opening her luggage and pulling out a makeup bag. "Megan, you unpack whatever you want to, and Stephanie and I will start getting ready for dinner. Cool?"

I nod, watching them prop themselves in front of a full-length mirror and dig through Michelle's makeup bag. We have a dinner reservation in two hours. Unlike Stephanie and Michelle, I only need a little time to get ready. I'm not a fancy person. Of course, I like to wear nice clothes and apply makeup, but I only need up to twenty minutes to pull myself together.

Heads or TailsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora