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Aria and George were working together, diligently preparing the patients for surgery. Meanwhile, Meredith was focused on checking over the post-op patients, making sure they were recovering well.

Aria couldn't help but express her concern, asking, "Woah, what the heck happened to them?" She looked at her twin sister and friend, perplexed by their condition.

Meredith, on the other hand, had a different perspective. She calmly responded, "We don't know exactly what happened. We thought it would be best to stay out of it and not get involved."

Aria looked at Meredith, slightly confused, and questioned, "But they're interns, and they've been hitting each other! Don't you think we should find out what's going on?"

Meredith simply shrugged her shoulders, saying, "It just seems personal, and getting involved might only waste our time. Besides, we have a solo surgery and a face transplant to watch."

Aria mumbled to herself, mentioning the face transplant and the flirtatious interactions between Lexie and Mark. It seemed like there was a lot happening at the hospital, both professionally and personally. Despite the confusion, Aria, Meredith, and George decided to focus on their responsibilities and moved on to check the next group of patients.
"Whatever it is the two of you have going on, it stops now," Meredith warned the interns, her voice firm and commanding. The tension in the room was palpable as Aria, George, and Meredith stood together, united against the disruptive behavior.

"Don't talk while she's talking," George muttered under his breath, his frustration evident. Aria exchanged a knowing glance with the other two residents, silently acknowledging the need for a united front.

"You are scaring the patients. You're making this hospital look ridiculous. You're making us look incompetent," Aria asserted, her voice filled with a mix of concern and authority. But before she could finish her sentence, one of the interns tried to cut her off, only to be swiftly shut down by George.

"Not a good idea," George warned, his voice laced with a hint of warning. Meredith, undeterred, continued where her sister left off, her gaze piercing as she addressed the interns.

"Just stay away from each other. So much as a tear or a glance at each other, and it's over," Meredith declared, her words carrying a weight of consequence. The room fell silent as the interns absorbed the gravity of the situation.

"I don't understand," one of the interns, Megan, finally spoke up, confusion etched on her face as she looked at the three residents.

"Don't talk while I'm talking. Now just get out! Go. Not together," Aria interjected, her voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and relief. The three residents exchanged a few words among themselves before Aria and Meredith shared a triumphant high-five, their laughter echoing through the room.
Aria sat down next to Meredith, and just as they were getting settled, George hurriedly joined them. "Why are they starting the surgery late?" George asked, looking concerned.

Aria, keeping her eyes fixed on the operating room, mumbled, "There seems to be a problem with the recipient." She could see the medical team preparing for the surgery.

"They only have a few hours left for that face to be viable," Meredith added, her voice tinged with worry.

George let out a sigh. "Sloan must be freaking out, right?" he said, hoping for some reassurance. But as he glanced at Aria and Meredith, they exchanged a knowing look, causing George to feel a bit uneasy.

"Home wrecker," one of the interns, Pierce, muttered under his breath, clearly referring to someone in the room.

Steve, overhearing the comment, couldn't let it slide. "What did you say? What did you say?" he confronted Pierce, standing up and pushing him.

Meredith stepped in, taking charge. "Guys! Both of you, get out. You, come with me," she commanded, pointing at the three residents. The interns were sent away, and Meredith took the lead.

"Hey, buddy," George said, addressing the intern. "You need to start talking. You need to start talking now." Aria and Meredith rolled their eyes, knowing that the intern was being evasive.

"I really can't. Talk to Steve," the intern tried to deflect, but Meredith's patience was wearing thin.

"OK! You are gonna tell me everything that's going on. Or else every time I have a rectal exam or an infected abscess, it's gonna have your name on it. Every time!" Meredith threatened, her tone firm and determined. George and Aria exchanged glances, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

Reluctantly, the intern began to spill the beans. "Megan was with Pierce, but they broke up. While they were broken up, she slept with Steve. Then she got back together with Pierce. But Steve sent her an e-mail about how they slept together. Instead of e-mailing her, he hit 'reply all,' and it went to a bunch of people. One of them was Pierce. Now Steve says he loves her, and Pierce wants to kill him. Megan's really freaking out because..."Aria, Meredith, and George listened intently as the intern continued with the shocking revelation.

The three friends exchanged astonished glances, trying to process the complicated web of relationships and secrets. The tension in the room was palpable.
Alex took a deep breath, his hand trembling slightly as he held onto Aria's. They found a quiet corner away from the bustling hospital corridors, where they could have a moment of privacy amidst the chaos.

Aria's heart sank as she looked into Alex's eyes, searching for answers. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice filled with concern and fear.

Alex's voice quivered as he delivered the devastating news. "Izzie... she has stage four metastatic melanoma. It's spread to her brain, liver, and skin."

Aria's eyes widened in shock, her mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. She felt a lump forming in her throat, making it difficult to find the right words to express her emotions.

Tears welled up in her eyes as they stood there, the weight of the news hanging heavily in the air. They clung to each other, seeking solace and strength in their shared love and support.With their hearts heavy, they turned to rejoin George, Meredith, and Bailey, knowing that together, they would face whatever came their way.

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