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Alex looks over at Derek, a worried expression on his face. "Dude, he is fried," he says, his voice filled with concern. Meredith, fiercely defending her boyfriend, shakes her head. "He's not fried. He's just had a really tough week. Lost a patient and got hit with a lawsuit. He just needs some time to process it all," she explains, her voice filled with empathy.

Aria, who had been observing the conversation, chimes in. "He's been at it for three days straight," she points out, nodding in agreement with Alex. "The cushions on the couch have practically become one with his ass. And to top it off, he's been raiding Alex's cereal stash!"

Alex continues his rant, frustration evident in his voice. "Seriously, it's like Sylvia Plath is picking out the marshmallows. They're the best part!" he exclaims, clearly annoyed.

Lexie, always the observer, adds her own perspective. "I'm pretty sure he's sitting on my keys. I should ask him to move, but he just looks so... comfy," she remarks, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Meredith, feeling outnumbered, voices her frustration. "You guys are all cowards," she complains, her tone slightly exasperated.

But Aria, ever the peacemaker, offers a solution. "Alright, how about this? I'll be your chauffeur and drive all of us to work. And maybe even stop for coffee along the way. What do you think?" The group agrees quickly before watching Meredith approach her boyfriend.
Aria couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Mark attempted to introduce himself to Dr. Nelson. "What are you laughing at?" Mark questioned, slightly puzzled by Aria's amusement.

"Just how egocentric some of you can be," Aria replied, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "Nelson has been working here for a solid 10 years, and the chief barely knows his name. And here you are, introducing yourself to the poor guy for the third time!" Aria teased, finding the situation quite amusing.

Mark, feeling a bit defensive, decided to challenge Aria. "And do you know everyone who works here?" he questioned, hoping to catch her off guard.

Aria rolled her eyes playfully at Mark's remark. "Well, I do know most of the people who work here," she responded confidently. "It's all about taking the time to talk to people, Dr. Sloan. Plus, being the daughter of Ellis Grey has its perks. Quite a few people around here knew my mother," she added, a mischievous smile dancing on her face as she tried to wind Mark up.

Mark couldn't help but roll his eyes at Aria, who continued to chuckle and tease him, seemingly enjoying antagonizing him. The playful banter between them continued, with Aria persistently poking fun at Mark. Despite the eye-rolling, it was clear that their banter was all in good fun.
Aria finished up in surgery with Mark, feeling a sense of accomplishment as they successfully completed the procedure. As they stepped out of the operating room, Aria noticed Alex approaching with a beaming smile on his face.

"What's got you all excited?" Aria asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she watched her boyfriend's enthusiasm.

Alex couldn't contain his excitement as he shared the news. "Hunt's letting me do the distal anastomosis on his fem-pop!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy and a hint of disbelief.

"That's awesome!" Aria replied, her smile widening as she saw the genuine happiness on Alex's face. She couldn't help but feel proud of him.

Alex continued, his excitement palpable. "It's crazy. They told me I could be the future of this hospital, the resident to watch. I mean, I'm not the kind of guy who... I don't rise, okay? I sink to the bottom. And now I'm getting all this... this respect."

Aria listened attentively, her admiration for Alex growing with each word. She knew how hard he had worked to get to this point, and seeing him receive recognition was truly gratifying.

"I'm so proud of you, Alex," Aria said, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "You've earned this opportunity, and it's amazing to see how much you're shining. You're proving everyone wrong and showing them just how talented you are."

As they walked together, Aria held Alex's hand, offering her unwavering support. She knew that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey for him, and she couldn't wait to witness all the remarkable things he would achieve in his medical career.
Aria entered the kitchen, feeling a pang of hunger before her busy workday. As she glanced around, she couldn't help but notice Izzie and Cristina's unusual behavior. However, not wanting to get involved, she decided to let it slide for now.

With a hint of frustration in her voice, Aria called out to Alex and Lexie, making it clear that time was running out. "Hey, Alex Karev, if you don't make your way down here in the next 2 minutes, I swear I'm leaving without you. And Lexie Grey, you better hustle too!" she exclaimed, her tone a mix of playful impatience and determination.

Aria knew that punctuality was important, especially when it came to their busy schedules. She hoped her words would motivate them to join her swiftly so they could all head out together.
"This is one of the biggest surgeries you may get near so pay attention.The patient is a 38-year-old male hit by a drunk driver 12 years ago.He suffered severe facial trauma.No nose, no lips. That's why we dubbed him Blowhole.He's had nine reconstructive surgeries,none of which have brought back full form or function.This surgery
has only been done four times.All candidates have to undergo extensive psychological testing
to determine whether they can handle the process.Psychological components aside, this has
a chance of rejection or infection.He'll be on life-long anti-rejection drugs which put him at risk
for lymphoma, diabetes, hypertension, renal failure." The resident told their interns before gathering in the patient's room.

As Mark explained the details of Mr. David Young's face transplant, the room fell into a hushed anticipation. The gravity of the procedure hung in the air, but David, ever the joker, lightened the mood with a witty remark, earning a chuckle from those present.

Dr. Hunt, the lead surgeon, turned the attention to the concept of allotransplantation versus traditional techniques. He posed the question to the residents and interns, seeking their input. Lexie, always eager to impress, confidently answered, highlighting the benefits of aesthetic outcomes and nerve re-enervation.

Dr. Hunt praised Lexie for her response, acknowledging her knowledge and understanding. Aria couldn't help but make a face at the subtle interaction between Mark and Lexie, knowing they were in a relationship.

As the discussion continued, Mark shifted the focus to the positioning of the graft over Mr. Young's face. He asked the students how they would know when they had achieved clearance. Lexie, once again demonstrating her expertise, confidently called out that the graft turns pink, earning a slight look from her fellow interns and residents.

Mark smiled proudly at Lexie's response, while Aria couldn't help but react to their dynamic with a playful face. The room buzzed with a mix of tension and excitement as everyone prepared for the intricate and life-changing procedure ahead.

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