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Aria woke up to her pager going off as she looked up at Alex who was sleeping on the top bunk. She smiled to herself as she pulled on his arm almost causing him to fall off the bed.

"What was that for?" Alex exclaimed looking at the woman as if she had gone crazy.

"We're being paged get your lazy ass up we've got to go." Aria said while Alex groaned and turned over as she continued to annoy him until he gave in and got out of the bed.
"CT is clear." Derek says looking at the scans while Aria was working with Mark.

"But it's deep.That bear clawed you good." Mark says to her with looking at her laceration.

"God I didn't even feel it." Jennifer says looking at the surgeons.

"Adrenaline's a pretty powerful drug." Meredith says to her with a small smile.

"You're gonna have to repair the galea,but it should reattach without a problem." Mark says looking over the laceration as he looks at Meredith.

"Okay,squeeze my fingers as hard as you can,please." Derek instructs her.

"I just got happy.I just got married,and I'm really,really happy.I don't have permanent
brain damage,do I?" Jennifer asks looking up at Derek.

"No,it appears that you do not." Derek tells her.

"Okay,good." Jennifer says to them.

"Page me if any neuro deficits appear." Derek says bluntly before walking away Mark and Aria glaring at him slightly.

"You got lucky.Your scalp wasn't completely taken off,so we can just sew it back on.Your hair should cover the scar.You won't even need surgery." Mark says to her.

"That's great.Thank you." Jennifer says looking at Mark.

"Grey here will take care of you.You can go back to being a happy newlywed." Mark reassures her before looking at Aria to follow him.

"Okay." Jennifer says to him.

"Don't worry.He and rose won't last." Mark says quietly to Meredith almost like he was sure of it while Aria looked at him.

"What are you planning Mark Sloan?" Aria asks while he smiles at her.

"Oh me nothing at all. Let's go we've got patients." Mark says winking at the eldest Grey who chuckled while the two headed off to their next patient.
Aria walked with Mark who was talking about Derek and Rose. "You seemed quite invested in Dereks love life." Aria commented while Mark looked at her.

"You don't like them together either just admit it you actually liked him with your sister." Mark said trying to wind Aria up.

"I used to until he hurt her now he can stay far away from her for all I care. And no I don't like them together so you Mark Sloan can do what you want." Aria says looking at her friend who smirks at her.

"Does that include you?" Mark asks while Aria scoffs at him while he continues to smirk.

"I'm not into the one hit wonder of Mark Sloan if you get what I mean." Aria says while Mark scoffs this time causing her to smile.

"Just because you've got a thing for Karev." Mark says while Aria looked at him.

"Alex is my friend because not everyone of my male friends wants to screw me unlike you." Aria scoffs before she walks away from him.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that Twin A." Mark calls out while Aria pulls a face at him before she disappears down the hallway leaving Mark to chuckle.
Aria watched as Mark and Derek got of the elevator as she looked at Mark. "You want to grab a drink?" Aria says completely ignoring Derek.

"Yeah that sounds good at least I have one single friend." Mark said while glaring at Derek who shook his head trying not to laugh.

"Now would be good Sloan." Aria says walking off while Mark ran to catch up with her.

"Still not talking to him? You do realise you will have to soon. You do have to work with him." Mark said looking at the eldest Grey who rolled her eyes at him.

"Meredith still isn't really talking to me so Derek is the least of my problems now are you coming to drink or talk more about your bromance?" Aria said sarcastically causing the two of them to laugh as they headed to Joes.
Aria headed home as she saw Alex watching the tv while she laid beside him. "You stink." Alex complains while Aria glares at him.

"So do you." Aria mumbled as she closed her eyes before opening them and looking at Alex. "You want to get tacos?" Aria asks him while he shrugs.

"I'm starving." Alex says eating the popcorn in the bowl while Aria shook her head at his stupidity.

"Well you can go get them while I shower because I smell like the hospital. I'm never staying that long again." Aria complained kicking off her shoes before climbing the stairs while Alex gave in and went to get the tacos.
Aria hurried downstairs as she heard the front door going while she grinned widely at Alex. "The best tacos in Seattle." Alex announced while Aria stole the bag heading into the kitchen.

"Oh your my hero right now Alex karev." Aria says taking out her taco as she began eating it before Alex got his own.

"Don't get used to it." Alex comments causing Aria to roll her eyes at him before the two ate and talked about their days.

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