Chapter Two: Lets have some fun

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Hello just wanted to say that I also am doing this for fun! No serious purposes plus, I have had smg34 on my mind for uhhh WAY too much and I can't get over it
>D (not saying it's a bad thing lol) and I MUST find a way to nicely spread it off my mind! By writing a story about it for other people, (which is my very first story-well - two years ago doesn't count plus that story I think I deleted BUT ANYWAY it makes me feel as if I'm recycling smg34
Idk lol

Three exhaled as he walked his way back towards the game room. Thinking back to EVERYTHING that just happened.

Old woman
very Sus
the fact that she just disappeared?
How she IMMEDIATELY knew he was
this was so random wtf
He stopped in his tracks. Short of reaching the Game room. Three slowly looked down at his hand and realized he still had that Rose snug in his grip.

"Well, Sh*t."

"Hey Three! Did you get the mou..."

'Double sh*t.'

Boopkins just HAS to run out here of pleading and excitement, doesn't he?

"Uhhh three... why do you have a rose?
00Ooo are you asking someone out :D?!?"

Right after the words were said, Three ran to Boopkins and covered his mouth to make him shut up.

"NO! I- I Found it outside Boopkins. A weird person was at the door that's all."

"Oh. Wait are they gone?"

"Yes, I shooed them away."

......Can you keep a secret Boopkins?"

"Well yeah :D it depends on what it is though.

"Well if you tell anyone in there I'll kill

Boopkin's facial expression changed in a quick second.

pfff - relax I'm kidding. Well mostly but anyway-"


"I feel what we... all went through a few weeks ago, and well... I- I just want everyone to be... alone with each other for a bit. Kinda like Tari and Meggy, but not romantically You know? No stupid adventures or big events. Just all of us hanging out together."

'like a Family' he wanted to add.

"Oh, I understand! I feel the same too! honestly, I'm going to binge-watch all of my favorite animes with Jub-jub! I haven't gotten to do that with him in a while now thinking about it-"

Boopkins stopped his sentence as he saw
Three's facial expression droop.

"Smg3? Are you OK? You seem... stressed."

Due to Bookin's comment, Three noticed how much he was shaking due to earlier events, and he realized his eyes were threatening to water.

"I'm ok, Boopkins." His voice creaked as he forced a smile.

Boopkins was easy to lie to, but when it came to mental reasons the little fish thing could tell if anyone was having a bad time. He sighed to himself knowing how stubborn three was.

"Please... just release what you are feeling.
I told you this a hundred times! Was it the person at the door?"

He nodded to himself.

"Well, I just screamed at an old woman at the door Boopkins, not that I purposely wanted to, but the whole thing was just. I don't know. I don't know why I still have this dumb flower in my hand."

"Well, to make you feel a bit better she's gone now, right? So don't worry about it.
If she comes back all of us will have to teach her to move on to another place instead of here! D " he gestured to everyone still in the game room.

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