Chapter Sixteen ~ The Leaf

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The travel party made great time through Ngaherahe, and as the mountain grew closer and closer, Kiäna began to realize it wasn't a mountain at all.

They made it to a large clearing on the edge of the forest with a full view of the massive landform before them. It had a curved top with dangling parts hanging down, and a single thick trunk that touched the ground.

It was a massive tree. And the hills they'd been following were actually giant tree roots.

The realization made Kiäna stop running for a moment to stare in awe.

I didn't think it was a mountain, Vespera said. But I'm so shocked that it's a tree.

Me too!

The children had all stopped as well. They stood staring at the massive tree. It looked like a Baobab tree. Its thick trunk stood tall and sturdy to support the giant tree. Branches hung down and spread out along the top of the tree, giving the large landform a crested canopy. It was as tall as a mountain! At the base of the tree, the roots lifted the tree up off the ground, creating a cavern down below.

Then Kiäna realized something even more shocking. The forest felt like it was watching them, because it probably was. This massive tree wasn't just an ordinary plant. She could feel it. It could sense them, and she wondered if it felt threatened by their presence.

As they grew nearer to the tree, it became apparent that this was a very popular place. They spotted beastmen everywhere. Rabbit beastmen, mouse beastmen, and more deer beastmen, all the regular size of humans, but with the features of the animals, such as the ears and tails. Even some squirrel beastmen and raccoon beastmen. They all seemed eager to get back to their home near the tree, so they didn't notice the children.

But with the ever-growing crowd of beastmen on the tree's giant roots, it was only a matter of time until someone spotted them.

I think you're right, Vespera said, reading her thoughts. We need to stop.

Let's wait until nightfall and then fly over the tree! Kiäna suggested.

I cannot fly!

I'll ask Thea and Tajana to shrink you and Faira down. You can fit in my hands and I'll carry you as I ride on Stella!

I do not like the sound of that plan, Vespera said, and Kiäna had to giggle at his no-nonsense response.

I think it might be our only option, though.

As if on cue, a beastman with rabbit ears glimpsed them where they stood on the edge of the forest by some foliage. The man pointed while saying something rather excitedly.

Time to go! Vespera said, turning to drift into the forest and away from the root and the beastmen. The children followed on Stella, Pax, and Celeste Cecelia with Kiäna bringing up the rear, all still in their misty states. They quickly disappeared without a trace and left the beastmen threat behind them.

But it didn't erase the fact that they needed to get around the massive tree.

Vespera, can you try to visualize my idea and send the visual to Pax and see what everyone thinks?

Hold on. Your plan won't work. That tree is as tall as a mountain. We can't easily fly over it at that height.

What if we flew by it? Below the branches, down by the tree tunk?

What?! People would see us.

People would be sleeping or indoors. No one would notice us.

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