CH. 13

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Slenders POV.

(In the mansion)

Everyone has been nagging me to visit y/n but I couldn't help but feel unsure with meeting them. Maybe it's because they are a regular human...than again they didn't really freak out when they found out that we were killers.

I guess this human is special..

(Skiptime - Friday, 6pm)

(Your POV)

I am literally panicking right now because I only have 4 hours left until I meet them! And you know time flies! So I gotta hurry.

"What do I wear..?" I asked myself as I stood infront of my closet, my arms crossed.

"It's mid autumn so I guess it's gonna be cold.." I muttered to myself as I grabbed something out of my closet.

" I muttered to myself as I grabbed something out of my closet

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(Just something random. You can change it if you want)

After I was done getting ready it was already 9:32 pm so I had to hurry a bit. The walk from my house to the park will take about 10 minutes to I
guess I'll arrive a bit earlier.

"The question is what we'll do.." I thought out loud as I was looking for my house key that I probably lost once again.

"Dumb! Stupid! Dumb! I'll just go without fucking key and break into my own house afterwards" I shouted as I pouted before finally walking out, without key but with knife, due to later use as door opener (• _  •"")

(Skip Time)

It was 9:56 pm and I almost arrived at the park.

I was skipping towards it as I saw a little girl waiting there. I immediately recognised her and smiled brightly.

"Sally Darling!" I shouted at I walked towards her, smiling happily.

The said girl turned around and returned the smile and hugged me. I, of course, hugged back.

"Where are the others?" I asked her. She smiled. "They said the EJ and I should get you and bring you to the mansion" she said. I was a bit surprised that she said that EJ was with her and quickly found out where he was hiding.

"OI EJ! You can come down there!!" I shouted so that her could hear me from the high tree he was on.

I could hear a sigh from the direction the tree was and saw EJ skillfully climbing down. I chuckled.

"Let's go, shall we?" I asked Sally as she took my hand and began walking into the forest.

After about 15 minutes we arrived at the mansion and EJ opened the door.

"Well I actually don't like dark, scary forests but this one was actually quite okay if you ask me" I said out of nowhere, gaining the attention form the present people; which were Jeff, Liu+Sully, BEN, Toby, Jane, Trenderman and Offenderman.

After a few minutes only you and Sally talked. The rest were dead silent.

Jeff and Liu/Sully stoppen fighting.

BEN was still recording them but stopped looking.

Toby let his Waffles burn.

Jane stopped cheering Liu/Sully to win the fight.

Trenderman stopped reading the newspaper.

Offenderman...just NO.

I stopped my conversation with Sally.

" you also smell that?" I asked her. She looked a bit confused but than her eyes widened.

"THAT SMELLS LIKE FIRE/BURNED WAFFLES!!" we both shouted in unison as I quickly looked over to where the smell came from and saw Toby frozen.

"Toby damnit!" I cussed silently as I rushed towards him.

Everyone quickly snapped back into reality as I unplugged the waffle maker and saved the waffles. Well...they couldn't be saved anymore but I at least saved the waffle maker from the heat as it was about to burn.

After I was done saving it and cooling it I turned towards my Ticcy Boy and hugged him.

"Dude this literally gave me a heart attack you know" I deadbanned as I released him from the hug and started scolding him.

A few minutes later I walked back towards the main area with Toby, holding his hand.

"Lol okay. So since I haven't said it yet: Hi Everyone!" I said with a bright smile, still holding Toby's hand. I didn't look at his face so I couldn't see how much he was blushing.

The rest of the present people greeted me back and I didn't realize it but they were also glaring at Toby.

After a few minutes I got into a conversation with Jeff over knifes and showed him the knife I brought to open my door later on.

"For what would you use this knife?! You can do almost nothing with it!!" Jeff laughed histeriacally as I pouted. "You can do a lot with it! It's my favorite knife after all!" I protested. "And that is?" Jeff asked teasingly. "I can open doors with it, also use it to get into cars and drive with it, I can stab people if needed..." I said, thinking about some more things I can do with it. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Show me!" Jeff said with his usual, infamous smile. I grin at him. "With pleasure!" I exclaimed.

I looked over, towards Trenderman. "Hey Trendy! Could you please tell Slender that I'm here and now out with Jeff?" I requested him. "Of course dear! Have fun and don't do anything illegal!" he said. "Can't promise that! But thanks! Love ya!" I exclaimed again as I went out with Jeff.


To be continued..

I hope you enjoyed it!

See you in the next chapter! ( ^_^)/

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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