chapter three

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Joseph's pov
After our new body guard lilly left I was confused there is something familiar about her I just don't know what.

"Do you really trust her to protect aria?"Luce asked after a minute.

"She's skilled,she passed the loyalty test and she's the only teenager we have"I told him

"Exactly what fifteen years old knows how to do all that I mean seriously she's the same age as aria"he argued back

"We will talk more about this at home"I said glaring at some of the men staring into the office.

"Fine"Luce said storming out of the office.

"He's got a point dad she the youngest I've ever seen and those skills don't come from no where"Tobias said

I just nod and start to walk out of the office I only came here to see how she did and to be honest I thought she would scream and cry but there was nothing.

Nothing at all except her sarcastic comments and her smirk honestly that girl is lucky she's still alive with how much disrespect she has.

But she's starting to be more respectful so we will see.

I get in my car and carnt wait to go home arias gonna be so happy she's always sick of my men following her around.
When I get home I go straight to my office since nobody is home and just continue some work I may have given the Mafia to Tobias but there are still some of the legal things I help with and illegal things when needed.

I spent a couple of hours after on work and it was about dinner time now and I know everyone is home now.

Just as I suspected Xander nocked on my door to inform me that dinner is ready.

We walk down stairs to see everyone already at the table waiting for us to join them.

"How was everyone's day?"I ask after the maids brought us our food.

I heard a lot of 'goods' and 'oks' go around the table.

"Aria I have some good news"I said looking to her as she looks back at me curiously.

"What is it?"she asked

"I have a new bodyguard for you"I said and her smile quickly faded.

"Dad how many times I don't want to be followed around by one of your men all day"she argued

"It's a women"I said

"I still don't want a middle aged woman following me around all day"she responded

"Shes the same age as you"I said

"Really?"she asked supprised and I nodded

"Wait your letting a fifteen years old guard aria?"Xavier asked looking at me with disapproval on his face

"Yes shes skilled and I have to admit she passed the loyalty test better than anyone I have ever seen"I said still wondering how she did that.

"What minimal screaming?"Silas asked

"Not a sound"I replied

"What?"Xander asked shoked

"It's true not a sound except her sarcastic comments to the guy torturing her"Tobias interjects

"And who did she have the weakest one of the Mafia?"my wife Natalie asked

"No I tried giving her a smaller sized guy because of the fact she's young but she asked to change and then ended up picking the biggest guy of the Mafia"Tobias explained and I could tell it was bugging him too how she took it so well.

"Anyway she will be guarding you at school starting Monday and I said you could deside if you want to interact with her or not"I said to aria and she was smiling from ear to ear.

"What's her name?"Silas asked

"Lilly black"I replied to him.

"Lilly?"Xavier asked

"You don't think it could be-"Xander trailed of finishing his thought.

"I thought the same thing but she's nothing like when we knew her"Luca said

"We haven't know her since we where two"Xavier argued

"I remember things about her"aria said looking Abit sad.

"It's still been years love"I said to her

"Yea but I still remember how she was always nice to me and then have a attitude with the guards and how she used to sing to me when I got scared no matter how tired she was and I also remember how strong and brave she was always getting into trouble so I didn't get noticed"she rambled with tears in her eyes.

"Ok I'll look into it but please don't get your hopes up any of you it's a very small possibility"I said and they nodded getting back to there dinners.

But now they have pointed it out it's all I can think about.

But I've learnt that if you get your hopes up you will just be heartbroken when it turned out wrong.

I'm still gonna look into it tho...

Tell me what you think xx
Word count (830)

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