School's Out!

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"School's out for summer.
School's out forever.
School's been blown to pieces."
- Alice Cooper: 'School's Out' (School's Out [1972])


Outside the Coffee Shop

Katy and Mickey volunteer to help Sarah-Jane take K9 back to her car, since he was fairly heavy, and some extra muscle was required to help get him back without dropping and damaging him further. Rose hung back with the Doctor, under the excuse of helping him with his tools.

But both Katy and Mickey knew otherwise; the blonde was going to interrogate the Doctor about Sarah-Jane, and neither wanted to be a part of that potential shit storm. The brunette could see the irritated expression on the Doctor's face from where they were standing, and winced, earning a questioning look from Sarah-Jane, which Katy pretended not to have seen.

"Thanks for your help, K9!" Katy chirped at the robot cheerfully, scratching the dog behind one of his 'ears'.

"You're welcome, miss," K9 responds, before powering down. Sarah-Jane pulls the tartan blanket over him as Mickey decides to satisfy his curiosity.

"So, what's the deal with the tin dog?" He asks, and Sarah-Jane smiles at him, shrugging nonchalantly.

"The Doctor likes travelling with an entourage," She explains as she, Katy, and Mickey finish tucking away the blanket around K9, and then lean against the car, waiting for the Doctor and Rose to emerge from the coffee shop. "Sometimes they're humans, sometimes they're aliens, and sometimes they're tin dogs."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Katy pondered in amusement, earning a giggle from Sarah-Jane and an affectionate roll of the eye from Mickey.

"What about you?" Sarah-Jane questions Mickey. "I mean, I know all about Katy and the fact that she's a-" She immediately cuts herself off, looking alarmed, looking at the pair like she was a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar. "-wait. You do know, don't you?" Mickey looks at her with a puzzled expression.

"Know what?"

"Er, know that Katy is-" Sarah-Jane hesitated with her answer, before Mickey cottons on and fills in the blanks, smiling reassuringly at the older woman.

"Like the Doctor? Yeah, Katy already told me before," Mickey explains.

"It's Rose that doesn't know, and we'd like to keep it that way for now," Katy adds, and Sarah-Jane looks relieved that she hadn't accidentally unleashed a can of worms, and looks curiously at Rose, pondering why they didn't want the blonde to know her sister's secret.

"Oh, thank God. I was worried for a moment that I was about to say the wrong thing," Sarah-Jane laughs a little awkwardly before clearing her throat and returning her attention back on Mickey. "Anyway, where do you fit in the picture?" Mickey immediately puffs up his chest, looking somewhat cocky and triumphant.

"Me? I'm their Man in Havana," He boasts proudly. "I'm the technical support. I'm-" Mickey trails off, before a look of horrified realisation appears on his face. "Oh, my God. I'm the tin dog." He visibly deflates, and slumps back down on the edge of the boot, looking stunned, and Katy couldn't help but smile sympathetically at her best friend and wrap an arm around his shoulders, trying to bring him some comfort.

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