Fight or Flight

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"You said there's only one place left to find. Together we can save the world tonight. Get ready for it." - Take that: 'Get Ready for It' (III [2014])



Cass-Katy leads the way down a good old-fashioned staircase. The whole place was lined with cells, thousands of them. Curious, the Doctor opens one at random, revealing a very sick looking man sitting inside the cell. Rose gasps in shock and looks at the poor man with deep sympathy, while the Doctor just stares at him grimly. Cass-Katy, however, has a completely different reaction when she sees him.

"That's disgusting," She exclaims, earning daggers from Rose for her tactless remark. However, the Doctor barely acknowledges the comment. "What's wrong with him?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," The Doctor says to the poor man. He closes the door and moves on to investigate another cell, this one containing a young woman in a similar condition to the man.

"What disease is that?" Rose asks, quietly.

"All of them. Every single disease in the galaxy," The Doctor explains with an eerily calm voice. "They've been infected with everything."

"What about us? Are we safe?" Cass-Katy wrinkles her nose with disgust.

"The air's sterile," The Doctor confirms. "Just don't touch them." He closes the cell door and turns away to walk over to a nearby banister. The Doctor's face was hard and angry. Rose comes over to him, looking confused.

"How many patients are there?" She asked.

"They're not patients," The Doctor stated, angrily.

"But they're sick," Cass-Katy pointed out. The Doctor shakes his head with disgust and grips the metal bar beneath his hands with a grip so tight his knuckles were turning white.

"They were born sick. They're meant to be sick. They exist to be sick," He emphasises to a horrified Rose and an indifferent Cass-Katy. "Lab rats. No wonder the sisters have got a cure for everything. They've built the ultimate research laboratory. A human farm."

The Doctor was practically spitting fire in his outrage.

"Why don't they just die?" Cass-Katy asked, as though the answer to this current predicament was obvious.

"Plague carriers. The last to go," The Doctor explains, coldly.

 The last to go," The Doctor explains, coldly

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"It's for the greater cause."

A meek sounding voice calls out and all three of them turn to see Novice Hame cautiously approaching them, looking nervously at a furious Doctor's face. The moment he sees her, the Doctor pushes off the banister and strides up to her with a determined gait. Rose and Cass-Katy follow him, also looking for answers too.

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