Fight For Your Right

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"You wake up late for school, man, you don't wanna go.
You ask your mom, "Please?" but she still says, "No!"
You missed two classes and no homework.
But your teacher preaches class like you're some kind of jerk."
- The Beastie Boys: 'Fight for Your Right' (Licensed to Ill [1986])


Console Room


Fingers typed furiously across a keyboard, causing words to fly across the screen. Katy was sitting cross-legged on the jump seat, focused on doing an essay for her history course, with the Doctor hovering nearby, tinkering with the TARDIS and lending help whenever his girlfriend needed it. Suddenly, her phone rings from where she had placed it on top of the console, causing Katy to jump because of how loud it was, and the Doctor to abruptly sit up ... and smack his head on the underside of the console.

"God! I should really turn down the volume on that thing," Katy groused, reaching for her phone.

"I second that," The Doctor bitched, sliding out from underneath, and rubbing at his head as he glowers at the phone in Katy's hand. She pulls a surprised look on her face when she sees caller ID.

"It's Mickey," Katy announced, and the Doctor rolls his eyes.

"Ugh, what does he want now?" He grumbles, getting to his feet. Katy presses the answering button and puts the phone to her ear.

"Hey, Mick!" Katy answers, pleasantly. She listens for a moment, before frowning. "What? For real?" The Doctor silently walked forward and stood beside the jump seat, waiting patiently for Katy to finish her conversation with Mickey. "You've never done something like this before, what's with the turn around?" Katy cracked a grin at what Mickey said, before laughing a little. "Alright, I'll pass it on to the Doctor, and see what can be done," The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "See you soon. Bye!" She hung up and looked up at her curious boyfriend.

"Pass what on to the Doctor?" said alien asked, guardedly.

"Mickey suspects something alien related is happening at a local high school back home," Katy responds, earning a look of intrigue from the Doctor. "Figured you'd wanna check it out."

"Check what out?" Rose piped up, walking into the Console room, inwardly annoyed at the close proximity her sister and the Doctor were standing in.

"Mickey says something's wrong at a local school," Katy answered, and Rose looked a little hurt.

"Why'd Mickey call you?" Rose asked, and Katy looked a bit awkward.

"How should I know?" Katy shrugged. "Why don't you ask him?" She powers down her laptop and jumps down from the jump seat. "How about it, Doctor? You gonna check it out?"

"Depends. What exactly did Mickey say was happening?" the Doctor questioned, not exactly chomping at the bit to go and investigate something at a high school, only for the 'something wrong' to turn out to be something utterly pointless.

"Apparently, the students have been showing signs of unusual intelligence and record-breaking high-test results," Katy reported back.

"So, what's wrong with that?" Rose asked, frowning in confusion. "Doesn't exactly sound very alien, or supernatural."

"It does if the school in question was ranked amongst the lowest test scoring schools in the past few months," Katy pointed out, flatly. "Students don't have sudden spurts of intelligence that quickly."

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