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Dear S..

I know I love you because I see you everywhere , I sometimes imagine a better life with just you and I and it feels so so right .

I know I love you because you invade my thoughts and when something good happens you're the first person I wanna tell it to.

I know I love you because I smell you everywhere , I could know your scent a mile away , in darkness , in the dread of night ,when my loneliness sometimes becames to unbearable . You bring me comfort without you even knowing.

I know I love you because I wanna know everything that brings you happiness, what makes you smile . I wanna be the one that mends your broken heart after the years of heartbreak and torture and feeling like you were never good enough.

I know I love you because I've accepted my fate and after these few months , I would never see you again . You will be off to college and so would I . You will find someone good enough for you .

I know I love you , Dear S... because I cannot imagine a life without you being in it . It physically and emotionally destroys me and leaves me with a sick feeling in my gut, but I know you deserve so so much better and that is why I should let you go ...I don't know if I can.

Fading away in unrequited love.
I love you

Your Friend.

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