Chapter 3- Green, Eggs and Damn

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"Holy shit, Winter!" Karina yelled. 

It was only seconds before Karina's arms were around her again. Everything was warm, her face, her hands, her head, yet somehow, Karina remained cool, their touching skin made Winter shiver. She had never seen anyone so invested in a game of beer pong before. Well, four games of beer pong to be exact.

Winter was drunk, there was no point in denying it. She was certain her eyes were small and red, that her face was flushed and hair was wild, but it didn't matter. She was having too much fun to care. And apparently, Karina was too, grinning wide and laughing even louder with each passing victory. Winter stared up at her, fixated on the rarity that was her smile. Karina stared back, eyes glossy.

"What?" Karina asked a little louder than she should've considering how closely together they stood.

Winter grinned back at her. She couldn't help it. It was infectious. "You really like winning, huh?" She said.

"I love winning." Karina breathed like it was a well kept secret. "Can we win another one, Winter?" She pleaded. "You're getting really good."

Winter would've blushed if she wasn't already red from the alcohol. She knew that they should probably stop, they were drunk enough and it wasn't getting any easier to suppress the thoughts of wanting Karina's lips on her skin. However, she was more interested in hearing Karina say nice things and wrap her arms around her than she was in being responsible. "Yeah, let's play another one." Winter smiled. Karina's eyes lit up and Winter watched as she immediately straightened up and started glancing around the room to find a pair of new challengers.

If Winter didn't know better, she probably wouldn't be able to tell Karina was drunk. She held herself just as still and regally as ever, though now she looked more approachable. Warmer, more relaxed. It had to be the smile, the way it reached all the way to her eyes.

No one around met Karina's gaze after watching the last few rounds. No one wanted to be the next loser. "Sungchan." Karina called suddenly.

Sungchan's head popped up from where he was seated, whispering into Somi's ear. He said something to her before he stood and walked up to Karina. "Play." She commanded, gesturing to the table with her head. He smiled slightly and took his place across from them on the other side of the table.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to him?" Winter asked quietly, brow furrowed.

"I don't." Karina said, chin raised defiantly. "But he's great at beer pong." She whispered, covering her hand with her mouth so Sungchan couldn't read her lips. 

Winter laughed. Karina was probably the only person she had ever met who would voluntarily play against someone who could beat her.

"I need a teammate." Sungchan called to them. "Somi?" Winter asked.

"No. I cut her off an hour ago." Sungchan said. All three of them looked over at Somi who was laughing to herself, slumping over the arm of the couch.

"Yeah, probably a good plan." Winter laughed loudly. 

It was uncontrollable. Karina laughed too, staring down at her almost curiously. Winter was drunk enough think freely of how much she loved the attention. She would keep laughing all night if she needed to. Suddenly, something swirled around in Winter's stomach. It took her a minute to place the sensation, but once she did, she laughed again. 

"Can you guys hold on? I gotta pee." Winter asked, looking back and forth from Sungchan to Karina. She bounced slightly back and forth for emphasis, so they would know she was serious. 

Karina watched her with an expression she didn't understand for a moment before she shook her head.

"Go pee." Karina laughed. 

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