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Word count : 1332

[The screen shows a carriage flying in the air by horses pulling it along. Many students are gathered around the courtyard watching the event take place. Hagrid is attempting to line the carriage up for a safe landing but it ends up knocking him over instead]

The hall laughs even Hagrid himself

George: well there's something you don't see everyday

[Then a old style ship appears out of the water, covered in gold]



Dumbledore: well, now we're all settled in...I'd like to make an announcement [the great hall doors open showing filch] This castle will not only be your home for this year.... [Filch starts running down.] but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen [filch whispers to Dumbledore] Yes, whar is it? [many of the stuendts chuckle at him] tell them to wait. Tell them to wait. Wait. [filch nods running back out]

Rose: Bye Mr filch! [giggling. Queitly]

"He's so funny for no reason"

Dumbledore: So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The triwizard tournament.

The hall gasps shocked.

"That's not fair! We haven't done that!" Barty rolls his eyes. James nodding along.

- Yes.

Dumb: For those of you who do not know....

Twins: Brilliant.

Dumbledore: The triwizard tournament brings together three schools...for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say...these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more about that later. For now, please join me in welcoming...the lovely ladies of beauzbatons academy of magic...[the door opens] and their headmistress, Madame Maxime. [A group of girls enter the room all dressed in matching clothing, they do a little dance and run down to the front. Many of the boy students stare amazed]

Ron: Bloodu hell.

"Blood hell Alright." Sirius smirks

Felix: Merlin...did you see her arse?

Rose: don't be so rude.

Seamus: blimey. That's one big women. [they finish there dance, Everone claps for them]

[Leo, JJ and Felix all get up whistling for them. Dione and Rose look disgusted with them.]

Dumbledore: And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of durmstrang...and their high master, igor karkaroff. [Boys appear holding sticks slamming them on the floor, doing a little synchronising routine.]

"Now they are someone you don't wanna mess with" Regulus mutters to his Friends

- Its krum!

Ron: Blimey, it's him! Victor krum!

Dione: he's so fit.

Rose: Really? I don't see it.

Enzo: I do.

[One of the student blow out fire which creates a burning bird]

Karkaroff: Albus

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