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Everyone was eating lunch in the great hall, when all of a sudden a white light appeared reviling a letter and a stack of DVD.

Dumbledore read it out load. "SILENCE - It appears we have been sent movies to watch about the furture." Students start whispering.

"SILENCE! It says -

Hello people form the year 1976, we are writting to you from the year 2000. Me and my friends ahve put all our memories into a movie so all of you can watch, what we all went through. We want - no - NEED - and - WILL watch the movies as they show you the future. These movies will tell you everything you need to know about what happend and why.

You have no choice to watch them as time will freeze as soon as tey start. Just to clarify we have been given special permission from the ministry of our time to do this.

In a few moments the great hall will change. A large screen with comfy chairs, a safe room will appear. You will also be joined by some guest's, including us.

Just to clarify, these movies contain: Abuse, neglet, death, drugs, alcohol, swearing etc. Therefore if you arent comfortable wathcing, then you can remove yourself to the safe room.

Your sincercerly: Furture.

The great hall was shocked to say the least. The large doors open reviling: Alastor moody, Kingsley Shackbolt, Arthur and Molly Weasley, 6 yr old Bill and 3 yr old Charlie Weasley, Lucius and Abraxas Malfoy, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, Fleamount and Eupemia Potter, Andromeda, Ted and 3 yr old Nymphrandora Tonks, Xenophilius Lovegood, Orion, Walburga, Arcturus and Melani Black.

"Great a family reunion just what i needed" Sirius complained.

"Well if it isnt my favourite cousin" Bellatrix says saracastcly. Sirius was going to reply, when a white light appeared by the staff table showing a group of people.

"I'm guesing you are the people the letter was refering to?" Dumbledore questioned. To which the nodded. "Can you all state your name, age and parents."

"I'll guess i will go first. My name is Hermione granger, im 19 years old, you wont be familar with my parents name as im a muggle born." Stepping back ignoring the predjuce looks.

"I'm Ron Weasley, son of Arthur and Molly Weasley nee Prewet. I am 19 years old."

!I'm Neville Longbottom. 19, my parents are Frank and Alice Longbottom." Alice and Frank smilled at eachother.

"Im Luna Lovegood, 18 years old" She said in her airy voice. "Daughter of Xeno and Pandora Lovegood"

"Im Ginny Weasley, daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley. And Im 18" Fabion and Gideon perked up and questioned. "How many kids does my sister have?" "Well there's Bill, charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Ron and i, so 7"

"You've been busy!" Sirius whistled. Ignoring his mothers look.

"Blaise Zabini. 19 years old, Lord of house Zabini. Cassandra Zabini son."

"Theodore Nott, 19, Lord of house Nott. Son of Thomas and Alexandra Nott."

"Hello, my name is Lorenzo Lestrange" The Lestrange's perked up. "I'm 19. Son of Bellatix and Ralphodus Lestange." They both were shocked that they have a son as they have been trying to get pregnant for mouths. They smilled at eachother.

"My name is Dione Salvatore. I'm 19. There is not point in naming my parents as they are American."

"I'm Draco Malfoy son of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, im 19 years old." Narcissa gave him a warm smile.

"Hello, my name is Leo Regulus Black" The blacks perked up. "Im 20 years old and my Parents are Sirius Black and Marlene McKinoon." Sirius was shocked that he has a son. Marlene was blushing. Regulus was happy that his brother named his son after him.

(A/N; I'm doing a wolf star slow burn. It will be included. I have a very complicated way are including Remus into the relationship. Yoi find out more in the 3rd Year)

"I'll guess i will go next. My name is JJ Malfoy. Son of Lucius and Narcissa. Im 20 years old." Narcissa gave her other son a warm smile.

"And im Harry Potter. Im 19 and my parents are James Potter" James was crossing his finger praying that the mother is his flower. "Lily Potter. Nice to meet you all."

James got up and stated dancing around yelling. "I GOT EVANS." Lily however was shocked "I married a toe rag" Both of there friends stated laughing at them.

"Now that my Farther has calmed down. Lets get watching these Movies shall we" Suddenly a screen appreded and room atched to thhe great hall.

"Lets get this over with." Dumbledore states.

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