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Nikolas would be a great ninja.

It was midnight and the maids and drivers were snoozing away in their rooms, but if some were awake, they surely wouldn't had sensed Nick come in because apparently, he's one stealthy son of a bitch. Although Jared drove me home, we waited enough to make sure all lights were finally out.

I didn't know where he left his car but he said it wouldn't be a problem. Who would've ever thought that I'd one day be sneaking my principal into my room?

On my way home after excusing myself from the party, I realized that I'm promised two things tonight, an argument with Mr. Camillo and makeup sex afterwards.

He was still angry. That much I gathered from his hard expression and cold, monosyllabic replies when we made our way to my room. Once the door locked, I took a deep breath to prepare myself. Then, I turned to Nikolas.

There was a solid second before he opened his mouth to talk and I held my finger up to stop him.

"I just wanted to show you that you have no hold over me. I can be with whoever I want just like you can go home and sleep next to Bianca every night. Yes, I find Eric attractive and if you didn't exist, I would have let him dick me down in his sister's bathroom." His brows shot upwards. Nikolas stared.

"Yes, I find Leonel attractive and if you didn't exist, I would've let him join me and Eric," I continued, "But," I put my finger down, "you do exist and I just wanted to frustrate you so we'd have makeup sex right after."

Yeah, don't mention how you were actually looking for a distraction because you're falling for Yes, don't mention that at all.

"Why were you with Leonel this afternoon?" he asked straight to the point, "Are you really going to work for him?"

"That was an excuse," I crossed my arms, "Bianca saw us together and that's fishy."

"Answer the first question too," he told me.

I flicked the collar of his shirt, "Green looks good on you, Nick, but Leonel is just a friend and we have lunch often," I shrugged, "Friendly bonding."

"You're right," Camillo admitted, "You can be with anyone you want and I shouldn't stop you. You have the right to see other people just like I have the right to go home to my wife."

We both sounded like jerks.

"I'm not asking you to be loyal to anyone, he continued, "You have a choice and I don't," he was pertaining to his lawful vows.

"I entered this mess, Nikolas," I told him, "I know where I stand."

You don't need a distraction, Rose. You need self-control.

"Is there anyone else you have your eyes on right now?"

Not really. Only him. I shook my head.

"You'll tell me if there is?"

I nodded.

"Great," the tension on Nick's shoulders vanished when he sighed.

"Great," I breathed out, quoting the man in front of me. Then, we were at it again.

I can't say who exactly made the first move because at the same time, as if our minds were synced, we connected ourselves to each other.

My hands were on his jacket, quickly pulling it off as his own fingers unbuttoned my jeans. Our hands moved, removing one article of clothing after another. By the time I was butt-naked and Nikolas had only his boxers on, my back was to the wall. His body was flush against mine his form molded against my front.

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