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Nikolas Godfuck Camillo went to Goldenlux?

"He's the principal," said Wyatt.

"Really?" Charlotte couldn't keep the disbelief from her words whereas I was too confused for any of my own.

Charlotte smiled and waved at Nick who then made his way over.

"Good evening," greeted Wyatt with a polite smile. Ah, they're on a first-name basis now? Since when?

Since you locked yourself in your room and left them downstairs to bond. Remember that?

"Funny running into you here," said Nick, "Good evening, Wyatt," his eyes went to Leonel, "Mr. Alexeev," they nodded at each other. Then, he looked at me, recognition flickering behind his beautiful brown eyes, "Rosaleen."

"Good evening," I smiled. His tongue came out to flick his lips and it's the hottest thing I've seen all day. He's channeling patience, I know it. Not patience because I'm annoying, but patience because I'm hot as fuck.

"And Charlotte?" Nikolas smiled, "God, the world is small, isn't it?" giggling, Charlotte stood and embraced the said principal before kissing his cheek.

"I haven't seen you since the reunion," she laughed, "and that was five years ago!"

They stared at each other, assessing silently. Why do I feel like I'm ruining an intimate moment? I hated it.

"You look nice," Char told him with her hands on his arms.

Nick hesitantly faced us, "Charlotte here was a friend of mine back in high school."

Charlotte laughed and patted Nick's back, "I think it's fine to let them know that we dated."

I gestured at a waiter to bring me more wine. When it arrived, I downed it quickly. Leonel also told him to bring an extra seat.

"What brings you back here?" Nikolas asked as an employee put a chair down for him. The high school couple sat next to each other, too close for my liking.

Are you jealous, Rose?

Of course not. That would be pathetic.

"I'm here to stay for good," she beamed at Mr. Camillo, showing her pearly whites. And although my teeth is just as clean and pretty, I found myself comparing her smile to mine.

"I got a job at Wyatt's company," she explained.

I was staring with my mouth open at both of them. I didn't even sense Leonel coming closer.

"What's the matter?" he wondered.

"My principal's ruining my weekend."

Leonel's eyes drifted to Charlotte and Nikolas. Char threw her head back to laugh at something Nick said and Nick's eyes glinted with... nostalgia? admiration?

Someone needed to remind him that he has a wife. Cheating is bad. He's going to hell.

"Mine too," Leonel commented, hinting at his interest for Charlotte Collins.

"I'm here with some friends, but I don't think they'll mind if I disappear for a while," said Nick after Charlotte asked about the other men he came here with.

"I'm gonna get a drink," said Wyatt. He didn't sound sad nor pissed which was good. He sounded fine.

Which I was not.

I watched Nikolas and Char clink glasses and drink. The music changed and I pulled at Leo's arm, "Let's dance," I didn't wait for a response, instead getting up and letting him follow to the dance floor.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now