Chapter Five

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I'm downstairs in the common room about to head down to breakfast when I hear loud footfalls coming down the boy's stairs. I am in one of James's jumpers, since he has all of mine.

This is important for context, seeing as he comes off the staircase wearing a jumper that is far too small and half his torso is out. "Charlotte Jane, I am going to kill you!" He roars as he barrels towards me.

I drop my bag and immediately make a run for it. We are doing laps around the common room when Sirius and Remus make it down the stairs. Everyone else who was down here left and there is now a small crowd gathered at the staircases watching us. He has started to gain on me, so I try to take a shortcut and hop over the couch, but he catches me by the end of his jumper I am wearing and pulls me back over the side. I hit the floor with a loud bang.

"James let me go!" I screech. He, of course, doesn't listen and pins me to the floor. I am flailing around as he tries to force the jumper over my head. I have my school uniform shirt on underneath it of course, but he is still so out of line. I of course fight back, and we end up wrestling on the floor like toddlers. I'm not even paying attention to my surroundings, so when Sirius pulls James off me and Remus grabs me up off the floor I almost swing on him.

"Give me my jumper! Do you see this? All I have for shirts are these children's clothes!"

"Oh bugger off, you psycho! You can't just ask? You have to run down here like a madman and chase me?"

"Maybe I wouldn't be in such a foul mood if I could have gone to bed when I got to the dorm last night!"

I glare at him and wiggle out of Remus's grip. I yank his jumper off over my head and throw it at him. I grab my bag and stomp out of the common room, but not before I flip him off.

I don't even go down to breakfast, I head straight to the library hoping to hide out until my first class. I sit at one of the tables near the back, reading. I'm freezing and I'm now starting to wish I had gone back to get another jumper or my cloak.

I look up as I hear someone walk up to the table. Remus tosses something my way and I barely catch it. It's one of his jumpers. I look at him, clearly confused. "I noticed you left this morning without one, so I brought you one. I know how easily you catch a cold." He explains.

"Thanks." Is all I say in return.

"I didn't know James would react like that, or I wouldn't have asked you to swap out the clothes." He admits as he sits down in front of me. I just shrug, "No worries, it's not the first time we have argued and won't be the last." I assure him. I slip his jumper on over my head and I practically drown in it, since he is a bit taller than James. I'm not complaining, though.

"They have practice again tonight. Are you going to go?" He asks. "I'm not sure, James might kill me." I reply with a grin.


James and I get over our little fight pretty quickly. I do feel bad for pranking him. Which is probably why I let him talk me in to actually going to the pre-tryout quidditch practice. There is one more practice this week, then tryouts Friday.

I am extremely nervous, and I stick close to James as I wait for instructions. I'm surprised that so many people are here. Remus, Peter, Lily, Alice, Marlene, and Dorcas are all in the stands. I'm assuming word got out, I would be trying out. I look up to the stands and Lily gives me a smile and thumbs up. I just stare back with wide eyes, and I'm sure she can tell I'm absolutely petrified.

A 7th year named Jason Wood is explaining things. Basically, we are going to run through some flying and throwing exercises, then we will play a few games so he can see how people do in different positions.

I team up with James for some things, but others I am left on my own. Soon enough, I start to get the hang of things, and I'm a lot less nervous. I get to practice in all the positions. I like chaser the most. Practice lasts a few hours and afterward I'm sweaty, dirty, but absolutely ecstatic that I tried this.

"Girl you did so good! I got hurt at the practice yesterday, so I wasn't out there with you today, but I'll be there tomorrow, and I try-outs. Good thing I am trying out for beater, because I would be worried if I had to go against you for chaser." Dorcas says as she tosses her arm around me.

I'm absolutely beaming.

"You did so good! I didn't know you could fly so well." Lily adds.

I smile and shrug, "Well I practice a lot at home during the summer." I say trying to be nonchalant.

James and Sirius went straight to bed after practice. I tried to, but I was restless, so I went down to the common room. I'm surprised when I see Remus down here seated on the couch with a book in his hands.

"I thought you would be asleep already." I say as I go to sit beside him. "I could say the same for you." He says as puts the book down on the couch.

We sit in comfortable silence for some time. Surprisingly, I'm the one to break it. "Do you think I should actually try out for the quidditch team?" I ask as I turn my head to look at him.

He nods without hesitation. "I think you will love it. I'll be there at every game too to cheer you on."

I can't help but blush a bit. He plans to cheer me on. Not the team or just James. Me.

"I'm still scared." I admit. He reaches over and gives my hand a soft squeeze. "That's okay. You can get through it. You're brave." He insists.

I just don't know if I believe it.

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