Chapter Three

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The official first day back has barely started, and I'm already suffering. Of course, usually I would simply get my schedule and just hope James is in most of my classes, but that is not the case this year. I believe the boys have officially decided I am part of their little group, whether I like it or not.

As soon as I came down the stairs, this morning, Sirius already began talking my ear off. He bugged me about trying out for quidditch, where else I hide in the school, what I'm doing after classes. I swear, he didn't shut up until we got to the great hall for breakfast.

James and Remus are already here, so Sirius and I take seats near them. I sit beside James and Sirius sits on the other side of him. Remus is in front of us and Peter shuffles in shortly after, taking a seat beside Rem.

I put some food down on my plate, picking at it a bit as I listen to the boys talk, once again falling into my own little world. I don't get pulled out of it until James elbows me hard in the ribs. I start to elbow him back with a scowl on my face, but he points out Professor McGonagall who is standing behind me trying to hand me my schedule.

"Thank you." I say softly, taking it from her, but still shooting James a look nonetheless. "I was only trying to help!" He huffs, throwing his hands up in defense. I roll my eyes at him and start reviewing my schedule. I take his from him and compare it to mine. I soon realize we only have a few classes together. I groan and let my head fall to rest on the table.

"CJ you're being way too dramatic. Didn't you want to be more social? You don't have to be attached to my hip all the time. Yes, we're twins, but we are still two different people." He adds. I roll my eyes at him and stand up. "Okay then." I mumble, starting to walk away.

"Uh- Charlotte, I wasn't meaning you have to go away." He starts, but I put one of my hands up. "I'll see you later, James." I assure him before walking down the table and plopping down into the empty seat beside Lily. The group of girls surrounding her look up a bit surprised at me just dropping in, but they seem good with it nonetheless.

"I hate boys and my brother is annoying." I mumble. Lily nods while looking over her schedule. "I don't think I have ever heard you say something so true."

I roll my eyes softly and look over her shoulder at her schedule. "It's not my fault he likes you so much." I point out playfully. "Can't tell me he doesn't appeal to you at least a little." I say while lifting an eyebrow. James may be an absolute prick sometimes, but he still is my brother after all.

Marlene snorts from where she is across the table, and I look at her with a questioning look, "What's so amusing?"

"Only the fact you are over here teasing Lily about boys when you can't even fess up and admit you've been pining over one of them yourself." She says bluntly while taking a sip of her drink.

Lily laughs loudly and nods along, obviously agreeing with Marlene. "I swear you practically drool over Remus, yet you want to tease me about James!"

My face heats a bit and my jaw drops. "I- I do not! Remus is just a friend of my brothers. We hardly even talk." I scoff.

Alice shakes her head now deciding to get in on the argument, "Come on Charlie! We all can see how you two look at each other. He'd have you in his bed if he wasn't your brother's best friend."

I gasp softly looking at the other girls in disbelief, but they seem to think it is quite funny. "Oh, I could hear it now." Lily pauses, smacking the table with the palms of her hands a few times. "Ohhhh Remus- you feel so-" I gasp and smack her hard on the arm as the rest of the girls laugh. I blush and hide my face in my hands. "Godric you people make me want to die."

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