2• The Frog Life

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To sleep and wake to find a empty house with only me in it is normal.

Finding a neck and breast filled with hickeys is not.

It's obvious that someone is jealous.

First task of the day, changing the picture I have in that one particular frame. Adding a picture of my parents as they're the ones that truly matter in my life.

An it's not like I don't have pictures of this man. I do, but I know boundaries and I won't go overstepping them.

To put up a man as it's a way of accepting or claiming someone.

I opened my window then cleared the sheets from the bed, preparing to wash. Even with the hillside looking as if it's about to rain.

Cleaning what I could of my home. I packed extra clothes, their parcel of meat and went down in the lane to my parents house for Sunday dinner.

Being a chef, it's normal that daddy is out working to provide food.

Mommy has her little store and barrel business, making she and her husband one of the well off families in our community.

As the only child, I'm privileged to say that I'm spoiled by them but never lacks the proper beating while growing up.

Mommy don't believe in spearing the rob and spoiling the child. She did both differently.

"Mrs. Adams!" I called, opening the grill.

Their home, or our home could've been bigger but that would be a bigger threat to draw thieves to us. Having this very grill sawed off got my parents serious.

They had to reveal to the community that they both got their guns and weren't afraid to use it.

Both having their licensed firearm and had shot thieves off their property on multiple occasions. It has thankfully stopped as daddy celebrated every event with the cleaning of his gun. To remind people he still knows how to shoot.

As if the targets, posters and warning of bad dogs around the house wasn't enough.

Eh likkle mongrel dog uphold its name and a do its job. Even though eh bitch skin out a lick out har parts one side.

"Miss Adams." She laughs, walking out in her Sunday best.

"Mommy, weh yuh clothes?" I gasped, playfully hiding my eyes.

"A mih house mih inna." She remarked.

She was indeed wearing clothes but I didn't need to see so much skin.

Bout shi have on a short white dress and the red g-string and lace bra just permanent suh.

"Naw lie enuh, yuh look good. A how daddy lef yuh in yah suh sexy." I teased and she hissed.

"Him soon reach yah. Yuh should a come likkle earlier but mih just settle wid dih selfie dem mih sen him." She informs me as I locked the grill.

Bout selfie. Dem nasty like.

"Mih glad mih lef dung yah. Unnu nuh stop remind mih how mih single." I sigh, walking in the house, I hand her the bag of meat and threw myself in my favorite couch to enjoy their air conditioner.

"Single wid yuh neck look suh." She pointed out. "A Dávonte or Markey dweet?"

I laughed out.

Mommy is always aware of the movements I made in life.

I can away expect daddy to step in when he senses trouble or to remind me of my self worth. He's my personal cheerleader, therapist and everything.


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