The Cowboy pt 2

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1st POV

There have been whispers throughout the night, screams that will make you run for your lives, and stories... that will keep you up at night. There is one, that no one ever talks about because of how cruel, twisted, and evil this one is.

Before I continue down this dark and forgotten path, be wary of what you are hearing, for what you are about to hear, will possibly summon this monster from his sleep and rise up to claim your eternal soul. To be tormented for the rest of your days and to never know a moment of peace, both in life and in death. If you have listened to all of that, and are still wanting to listen to this tale, you must really want to hear what I have to say or are just in need of some sort of advice in your plain and uneventful life. Very well, you have made your choice, now reap what you sew and listen to the tale, The Tale of The Cowboys' Greatest Loss.

Our story begins after the war that almost broke apart the American nation, roughly around 1870, down in the Southern part of Texas. When the Old Wild West was still alive and breathing, and where Cowboys were still wrangling around. Where gunslingers were on the top of the food chain and anyone who wasn't one, was what they called 'the prey.'

While many of the folks in the town were fine with all the gunslingers riding around, robbing banks and other places, acting all high and mighty, but there was one man who sent chills down everyone, including the other gunslingers' spine.

He was a crazy son of a gun, a man who showed no mercy to any and all that stood in his way. He was ruthless on the field, just firing his two 'lucky' as he would call them, pistols at everyone who'd gotten on his wrong side, but the worst part was, anyone who took a glance at the guy was on his wrong side. He never went by any name, just one feared above all else, The Rattlesnake.

He was a tall guy, just over six feet tall, with dark black hair that could rival the night sky. A nicely trimmed beard and mustache, one that made all the ladies sworn for the bad cowboy, and he loved the attention. His outfit was almost like any other gunslinger outfit: shirt, pants, boots, hat, belt, guns, but what made him feared was the noise of his spurs on his boots. They always made a rattling noise, like a snake waiting for the right move to attack.

He also had a signature partner to ride with during any heist or when he was entering a town, just to make his presence known to all the people. A completely black loyal steed, with dark eyes that looked like they stared deeply into your soul, turning it into ice with just a glance.

The steed wore pure aluminum horseshoes on its hooves, making clanking noises, almost as similar as the spurs the gunslinger wore. No one knew where the steed was bought from, but there was talk that the loyal steed was bought from a rich farmer, selling for over five hundred dollars.

At first, The Rattlesnake was just thought to be another hot shot in the countryside, but as time went on, he became one of the most wanted people in the entire wild west. He got so feared that many gunslinger and other cowboys came from all over the countryside to try and take the guy off a few pegs. However, that ended with those unlucky souls getting an early ticket to the afterlife.

As time went on, The Rattlesnake became more and more feared that people started to leave town when they heard that 'he' was coming. Most people packed up all their most important items that they owned and moved towns, just to avoid The Rattlesnakes cold and hard glare. No one thought that he could be beaten, that he was unstoppable, but what if I told you that wasn't true.

Oh, I see doubt in your eyes, well it's true, because there is something that we all fear in life. It creeps up to us in our last moments and we only finally notice it when it is time. Still don't know who I'm talking about, well the answer is right in front of you your entire life: death.

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