Part 6

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Logan goes in and signs in and takes a seat and relaxes before he goes back for his appointment to see about little Cleo and see how she is doing still cause he was curious about her and if she was still growing like how she shall be growing as well cause he was worried that she was not going to be growing at all once she was inside of him but he knew those were nerves and she was just fine

"Cleo please be okay" he says as he looks down at where she was inside of him

Logan still talks to her to keep her active as much as possible as he was going to be moving a lot to wake her up in case she had fallen asleep cause she was going to be sleeping more then what she should right now cause she was not going to be that big right now so she was going to be tiny as could be right now. Logan was glad when he got called back to check on her and see is she was doing and if she was still alive cause he was hoping that the nutrition that she was getting was going to be enough for her for the moment and she started to grow once again in her new sac that was made once she was inserted into him and she started to grow once again

"Be okay Cleo I'm worried about you little one cause you are going to be my one and only for awhile" he says as he was still talking to her

Logan let out a breath of air after he heard her tiny heartbeat the screen and saw her move a bit cause she was active cause daddy had a great breakfast that morning that got her all woke up and ready for the day as well too

"Good girl Cleo now I won't have to check on you for a while cause everything is looking good right now and they are very please with his you are looking and how big you are starting to get right now" he says as he changes back into his clothes once again and he was going to head out of course to do some shopping for her cause he won't be able to do much after he starts to get a bigger belly and she will be growing full force and she will be doing somersaults in his stomach to stay active and be playful and he will feel her kick him when she wants her and he could not wait to talk and sing to her as well as she grows and he is going to read to her that night and he was going to make it very special for her every single night and he was going to do something different for her like one night read a story and sing a song the next night probably something different for her cause he like change especially at bedtime as well too which was going to be really fun and exciting to see what stories she likes and which ones she doesn't like at all either and he was hoping to read to her every night after she was born cause he wanted to keep it going for her and build her vocabulary at a young age as well too that way she talks sooner rather then later on and he wanted her to be advanced for her age as well too as she gets older in life as well too

Logan's little angel wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now