Part 2

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"Maybe I could carry her that way she can still be warm, and I can carry her to full term of course" Logan says as he was looking at little Celo right now cause she looked like she needed a warm home and since the hospital wasn't going to give it to her, he was going to give it to her cause he did not want her to die cause he loved her too much already to let her go now anyway

The nurses were going to see what could be done right now to help little Cleo

"There we go daddy is going to take care of his little angel right now" he says as he was talking to her right now cause he saw she was struggling a little bit to breath on her own

Logan did not want her to die, he was going to do what it took to get her to live right now, and she was going to be his little angel forever

"If daddy has to, he will carry you" he says as he was looking at her cause she was really scared right now and she wanted to be warm and get that care that she needed

Once the nurses came back in Logan tells them that he was willing to carry Cleo to help her cause he was attached to her right now and he wanted to be apart of her life from that day on

"Okay we can see what can be done cause she won't survive the trip to another hospital" the nurse says to him cause Cleo was too fragile to travel on her own cause the trip could kill her alone cause she was so little and so fragile cause the bumps could kill her as well and there may not be enough room at that hospital for her either

"Don't worry Cleo" he says as he was looking at her cause she was still as could be and her heartbeat was fragile as well so it was only a matter of time right now cause time wasn't on her side right now but she was going to fight to stay alive cause she was in this for the long haul as well

The nurse comes into the room and she was going to get Logan ready for the procedure cause he was going to be carrying Cleo cause there were no beds for the tiny child, so they were going to get her ready as well

"Can I tell her goodbye?" Logan asks the nurse

The nurse let's him say bye to Cleo cause he had to get ready for the biggest surgery of his life right now and he was going to carry Cleo as well and once she was in him they were going to check to see how she was doing every two hours to make sure she was doing okay and Logan had to be still as well the whole time and he had to be in one position as well or she won't attached to him

"Okay's let's do this" he says as he was going to get ready for the surgery that he was prepared for cause he was ready to carry little Cleo cause she was his little Cleo as well, and he will do anything for her cause she was his angel that was sent from above

The nurse puts him under and he started to think about Cleo and how his life was going to change for that angel and how close they were going to be as well once she was born again cause he got to plan her room and get her pretty outfits to wear

(Hours later)

Logan was in recovery and he has the heart monitor on him and he heard her heartbeat as well and that made him feel better as well cause she was implanted successfully and she was thriving so far so good right now

"Well Cleo sweetheart it's going to be just me and you here on out" he says to her as he was hearing her heartbeat nice and strong as well cause he could get used to hearing her heartbeat for as long as he could until he delivers her and that day he was going to put her tiny heartbeat with his heartbeat cause he knows he was going to have a C-section when the time comes for her to be born as well

Logan sang to her and she calmed down cause apparently she was scared of where she was still so she was trying to navigate her new space the best that she could right now

"It's okay Cleo I am right here" he says as he was talking to her still cause she still had a strong heartbeat which was very good right now

Logan began to sing to her she started to settle down cause that was daddy's voice on the outside that was talking to her to calm her totally down and she could go to sleep as well cause she needed her sleep

"Well the journey starts sweetie" he says as he was still talking to her as well to get her to stay calm and sleep as well cause she needed voice or motion to settle down and soon she needed food in her tiny system as well and he was going to make sure she was well fed as well

Logan was glad when he was able to go home and he had to watch what he did for two weeks cause of little Cleo

(Logan's house)

"Well sweetheart here we are home sweet home I think since I can't do much with you right now I am going to pick out your room and get it painted cute for you then I am going to do some shopping as well" he says as he comes in the house and he talks to her

Logan figured she has settled in and he won't feel her move for a little while longer and he was looking forward to seeing her move and feel her kicks as well later on in the pregnancy too cause he was fully ready to go on this journey with her cause he loved her a lot and he was not going to let her go cause it was going to be the two day of them for the long haul together as well and he could not wait to meet Cleo later on when she has gotten bigger and he was going to have a c section to bring her into the world once again and he was excited to hold her

more is coming i swear again maybe next week

Logan's little angel wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now