Part 3

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"I'll make a smoothie and we will head to our appointment sweetie" he says as he was talking to her as well cause he wanted to bond with her before she forgot him cause he didn't want her to forget him at all cause he was going to be her father and if something happened to her he was going to be really heartbroken too cause if she was blind or deaf he was not going to be ready to raise her but he was going to take classes to help him get ready for her arrival

Logan made a healthy smoothie and he was going to do whipped cream as well cause he wanted a little extra touch as well as he was having his smoothie as well cause she was craving something sweet with the smoothie as well

"Here we go Cleo eat up once we eat we are off to our appointment this morning cause I have to get blood work done as well today cause I'm pregnant with you they want to check on me too to make sure I'm healthy like you are sweetheart and they are going to make sure you are growing as well" he says as he continues to talk to her as he has his breakfast that morning too cause he had to keep his strength up as well too for the delivery later on cause he knew he was going to have a c section with her cause she could not be born normally like the other babies cause she was going to be a super special baby as well and he was totally okay with that as well cause she was going to be his little princess as well too and he was totally okay with that cause she was going to be his only kid that he was going to have and he was totally okay with that as well cause he only wanted one kid if he ever found the perfect woman in his life as well and since there was no one in his life right now Cleo was going to be his only lady that was going to be in his life ever and he was totally okay with that cause he was having a hard time with the ladies and he just got out of another relationship as well so he was just going to have little Cleo in his life and he was fine with that cause she was going to have his heart no matter what happens and if she has a baby in high school he was going to be there for her and even if she gets pregnant in middle school he was still going to be there for her as well

Cleo loved the smoothie that daddy made that  morning for breakfast so Logan made another one for her and he knew she was going to be a smoothie girl from the getgo so smoothies are going to be her favorite thing to have and he was going to make her one when she is able to have them and that was not going to be for a while at least

"Well that's one thing that agrees with you so mommy is going to write down what you like and what you don't like" he says as he was going to write that down

Logan was going to take his medicine as well cause his doctor wanted him to take it so Cleo stays inside and he doesn't have a miscarriage at all

"Since I had my medicine sweetie I'm going to get my shoes on and we are off to the doctors to see how you are doing and when you are going to be making your debut as well" he says as he was going to rinse out his smoothie cup cause he was going to have another one later on in the day that way she gets her vitamins and her minerals as well

Logan grabs his car keys and gets in and he checks the seatbelt to make sure it was not going to be too tight where she was cause if he gets into a accident he wanted her to be protected cause he was going to get her car seat too and he was going to install it in his car that day cause he had to be prepared for her arrival cause after the thirty five week mark she could come anytime after that cause he was going to have a c-section to deliver her

"Off we go" he says as he starts his car cause he was not going to ride his motorcycle for a while at least until she arrives and he is fully healed from the birth of course and that was not going to be for a while at least cause he might have her naturally or by c-section and if they take her surgically he will not be able to right after he has the staples out and he was going have to take the car which he will have to take with her anyways cause he needs to get a sidecar for his little motorcycle that he has cause he wants her to be safe as they go out for a ride or on an adventure or a quick vacation away from it all

More will come hopefully

Part 4 next day off maybe

Logan's little angel wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now