a new beginning

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(This is how the story starts off)

Then an elderly man in a tuxedo says.

???: your obligation to the table is satisfied John Wick. You are free. As are you and your daughter, sir. You will be fully reinstated. All your terms will be fulfilled. Our business here is concluded. Good day.

The man now known as John wick stumbles over to the blind man and the blind man says.

Blind man: Thank you old friend.

John: you owe me one.

After that the blind man walked away leaving only John and the old man.

After kealing over everything just went dark for a second before I opened my eyes to see a bright light beginning to grow around me and the next thing I saw was my wife standing which made me go wide eyed.

After kealing over everything just went dark for a second before I opened my eyes to see a bright light beginning to grow around me and the next thing I saw was my wife standing which made me go wide eyed

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John: H-H-Helen is that really you?

Helen: yes John it is me.

I then broke down into tears and ran up to my wife and hugged her tightly saying.

John: I missed you so much.

Helen: I know and I missed you too.

John: I am so sorry I tried to change but no matter how hard I try I couldn't change please forgive.

I said this falling to my knees.

Helen: Johnathan honey it's okay I have already forgiven you.

Helen: I don't care what your past was because I fell for you because of your kind heart. And I know you tried to change but you were put in a tough situation so you didn't know what to do.

After that speech from my wife I began to calm down and then said.

John: So is it time for us to be together again Helen.

Helen: Actually John it is not your time yet.

This statement caught me off guard and I said.

John: What do you mean?

Helen:  It is still to early for you to be here.

John: But I don't want to leave you Helen. please let me stay.

Helen: I know but you need to live because you still have work to be done. And once that is done and you have finally lived your life to the fullest will we finally be able to be together again.

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