chapter 2

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After the gloinks incident you seemed to stay away from any chaos caused by Caine. Sure he was just "looking out for everyone's mental health" but for some reason you didn't trust that guy, something about him just didn't sit right with you. Especially since he's basically a "god" here, he could twist anyone's words and make it hell for them without them even realizing it. So basically you were stuck here with a bunch of psychos.

You sigh walking out of your room for the first time today, it was already the afternoon.
"Hey there little gato~" jax mused, you rolled your eyes annoyed.

"What do you want jax?" You asked annoyed, he chuckled.

"I'm here to annoy you, you're so much more fun than the others" he smirked, you groaned in annoyance.

"So you just like p***ing me off or something?" You asked in an annoyed tone, he nods.

"Pretty much~" he grinned as he walked with you, you two walked side by side.

"What are you a sadist?" You asked looking up at him a bit. He chuckled and waved his hand.

"No, not that I know of" he chuckled. You rolled your eyes again.

"So a narcissist?" You questioned, he shook his head. "Nope not that either" he smiled.

"You having fun guessing?" He looked down a little and looked you in the eyes before looking forward again.

"Not really, you're just annoying but I can't seem to get rid of you" you say, he laughs a bit and wipes a fake tear from his eye.

"You crack me up y/n" he said still laughing a bit.
You stared at him blankly for a moment.

"But I'm not funny" you said, he snickered and smiled at you.

"Sure you are, at least you are to me" he continued laughing a little more before he finally stopped.

"You're odd you know that?" You said, the two of you still walking side by side as you finally reach the rest of the circus.

"I'll take that as a compliment gato~" he said a stupid grin on his face, when you two walked in together the others looked at you weirdly.

"That's odd" ragatha said pointing at the both of you, you both stared at her confused, the others also looked concerned.

"What's odd?" You asked curiously, the others looked between you and Jax multiple times before finally answering.

"I'm surprised Jax hasn't pranked you or injured you yet" she says, the others nod in agreement and you stare at Jax for a moment before rolling your eyes.

"He's annoying the f*** outta but other than that he hasn't done anything so far" you say with a shrug and walk over to them, they look at Jax suspiciously and he puts his hands up in defense and grins.

"He's right, I haven't done anything yet" he chuckled, the others seemed taken aback by this information, had Jax somehow taken an interest in you? No he couldn't possibly have...

You stared at them waiting for one of them to say something before sighing. "Are you guys seriously so shocked Jax hasn't done anything to me to the point you don't even talk anymore?" You asked. They all looked up and drew their attention to you looking a bit nervous and awkward.

"Sorry, we're just... Trying to comprehend this new information" pomni said, zooble nodded their head before walking off.

".. Right.." You said suspiciously before walking off as well to do something else, and for some reason Jax felt the need to follow you everywhere you went...

You sighed in annoyance before turning to Jax. "Is there a reason you've been following me ever since I left my room?" You asked in an annoyed tone. He chuckled.

"I just like annoying you is all, is it working~?" He smirked and stared at you, you glared at him before walking off and he soon started following you again.

After about 30 minutes of being followed you finally snapped. "Oh for F**** sake why the h*** are you still following me Conejo?!?" He started laughing at your reaction a huge grin on his face as he wiped the tears from his eyes that had been caused by laughing so hard.

"Does my presence bother you that much kitten?" He asked snickering a bit, you were fuming with annoyance.

"I'm not a f***ing kitten I'm a cat, stop calling me that" you said annoyed, he laughed even more.

"God you're so adorable, you're getting so mad right now" he said, still laughing harshly. You glared at him with annoyance.

"Man, shut the f*** up before I kick your a**" you say clearly being pissed off now, he giggled before he finally stopped laughing hysterically and wiped the final tear from his eye.

"Sure, shorty, whatever you say" he chuckled before finally leaving you alone and walking away, you sigh with relief before sitting down, finally getting peace from that chaos of a man.

"Y/n..are you okay?" Gangle asked worriedly, you sigh and nod.

"I'm fine I just needed away from Jax for a while.." You say, it was practically draining to be around such a mischievous prankster.

"Oh, I'm sorry he is a bit much" she says sitting next to you, you smile a bit and chuckled.

"A bit" you said in an exaggerated tone, she chuckled and you smiled at each other.

"Yea, he messes with everyone, but you seemed to peak his interest even more" she said moving her hands with every word she spoke.

"I peaked his interest?" You asked tilting your head a bit confused, she nods.

"Yes, he usually just pranks everyone every now and then, but he's been following you ever since you left your room, he's never done that before" she says, still moving her hands around as she talked.

"Really?" You asked, she nods.

"It even surprised us, that's why we were so concerned earlier, we thought he had done something to you" she said, you stared at her for a moment.

"You guys were concerned about me?" You asked curiously.

"Well yes, of course we were.. Especially since it's... Ya know.. Jax" she said quietly, you nod in response.

"He's really that bad?" You asked, she shook her head.

"No, he's just a lot to handle and hard to get used to" she states, you nod and sigh.

"Thanks for telling me" you chuckled, she chuckled as well.

"It's not a problem, just thought I should tell you while I check up on you" she smiled, you smiled back.

"Anyway I should probably go, I was supposed to meet up with zooble like two minutes ago" she said a small giggle escaping her mouth. She waved goodbye and you did the same.

"See ya later gangle, tell zooble I said hi" you said as she started walking away.

"I will" she smiled and finally walked out of view, you sighed and laid your head down bringing your knees to your chest and laying your head on them wrapping your arms around your legs.

"I'm tired.." You mumbled, the socializing finally exhausting you to your limit.


A/n: I hope you all liked this chapter, and thank you to the person who pointed out my mistake in the last chapter where I accidentally misgendered zooble, again I'm so sorry that happened and thank you so much for telling me so I could fix it.

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