Chapter 3

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Denki was walking home from school when someone grabbed his arm pulling him into an alleyway. Denki was slammed against a wall and his head started bleeding. "Argh.." denki said as he opened his eyes to see who grabbed him. It was a man around the age of 50, tall, strong, and scary...

Denki was scared, the man then said, "hey kid you ever heard of [________" denki's eyes widened in fear and disgust as the man whispered in denki's ear.

Denki pushed the man off him. "Awh baby don't be so mean" the man said clearly interested in the younger boy.

Denki got goosebumps and was terrified of the man. Denki clenched his fists and as the man went to get up denki darted out of the alleyway and to a nearby store.

The man darted after denki who just ducked into the store. Denki was scared and went through the most nearby isle in hopes to escape the man.

As denki went through the store very cautiously. Suddenly the lights went off and then denki froze in fear.

'no no no no no no no' he said his breathing shortening as his heartbeat was quicking.

"Oh baby~" denki heard in his ear. Despite the dark place denki dashed away and tried to find someone, anyone!

Denki ran into someone and tightly gripped onto their sweatshirt. The 20 year old looked in surprise at the boy who was treambling.

The man then said "hey- hey are you alright" denki buried his face in the sweatshirt and said "help me please..."



I took the boy out the back door of the small store and asked him "how can I help you?" He glanced up at me with tears in his eyes that were flowing down his cheeks.

I normally don't help others, but I just felt I needed to help him.

I took his hands in mine cautious that I only use 3 fingers. "Alright look at me and focus on my heartbeat.." I said recalling what dabi's said to do.

I pulled him into a hug and watched him struggle to breath normally still. 'this isn't helping...' I thought. "A-alright tell me 3 things you can hear" I said stroking his hair trying to comfort him.

Denki pov

"I-i can hear your heartbeat..." I said trying to control my breathing while hugging the man who's helping me. "m-my heartbeat.." I said. "A-and the car-rs" I said.

"Alright.. now what's 2 things you can feel?" He asked me. "you stroking me hair.." I said gaining my breathing back. "And your sweatshirt.." I said.

"Great now what's one thing you can see.." he said to me. I looked up at him despite it being dark in this alley. "i-i can add you" I said, I was able to breathe better now.

"Thank you.." I said.

418 words

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