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aurora sat in front of her vanity mirror, adding the final touches to her makeup

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aurora sat in front of her vanity mirror, adding the final touches to her makeup.

today was the second day of school and the day that lessons were officially starting.

it was also the day the aurora was going to properly attempt to make friends.

she was going to talk to that boy from her form again and this time she would have a proper conversation. and hopefully learn his name too.

this morning, she decided to take the bus to school, in hopes of seeing people from her school.

she saw a few girls from her form and gave them warm smiles, which they returned.

the journey to school wasn't far, and the bus dropped the students right in front of the building.

once aurora was inside, she went straight to her form room, in hopes that the boy would be there.

and he was right outside the classroom, sat there by himself, watching a video on his phone.

'hey' aurora said softly.

he looked up and gave her an awkward smile.

'um I didn't catch your name yesterday'


'that's a nice name, it suits you' she complimented.

he nodded.

aurora could see, once again, that he didn't want to talk so she silently stood there and waited until 8:40am, the time form started.

as mrs schmidt opened the classroom, she and all the other students walked in. aurora took her seat and took out a book.

she had planned to talk to jamal, but she didn't want to force it. everyone sat in silence until they were dismissed to their first lesson.

'what lesson do you have?' aurora asked jamal, before he could walk out of the classroom.

'double economics' he replied.

'oh my gosh, same!' she said excitedly. 'um, maybe you could show me where the class is?'

he nodded. he led the way to the class and aurora was happy that he wasn't outright ignoring her.

he stopped in front of a class that read, rather fittingly, 'a level economics'.

'here we are' jamal said and offered yet another awkward smile.

she beamed back at him and entered the class.

the whole class was already and the teacher told her to take a seat at any empty space.

this time, aurora chose to sit by herself at the back.

as she settled herself, she looked around at who was going to be in her economics class for the next two years.

she couldn't help but notice... she was the only girl in a class of thirty students. she sighed and opened her laptop.

this was due to be a long two years.


aurora sped out of the class, the moment that their teacher dismissed them.

the past two hours had been nothing short of absolute torture. the boys in her class were so cringey and made bad jokes at every single thing the teacher said.

when they were eventually set a task to do, the majority of boys messed around. now aurora didn't expect them to sit in absolute silence for a whole double lesson, but she also did not expect them to behave like 7 year olds.

no one spoke to her for the whole lesson and she felt even lonelier than the day before. she simply couldn't wait to go home because of how bad the previous two lessons had been.

but she'd have to wait. she had two free periods, but had a maths lesson for her 5th period lesson.

her lack of friends meant she'd be spending her two free periods alone in the school library, which to be honest, didn't sound too bad right now.


eventually came 1:30pm, and she had to leave the library to get to her maths class. she hoped that she wouldn't be the only girl this time.

and to her joy, when she walked into the class there were a few girls there. she smiled and walked up to another girl she recognised from her form class, isabella.

'hey Isabella, kann ich mich neben dich setzen?' aurora asked.
(hey isabella, can i sit next to you?)

isabella turned her head and looked at aurora up
and down, in what seemed like disgust.

'tut mir leid, dass dieser Platz schon besetzt ist, setz dich woanders hin' isabella replied in a snarky tone.
(sorry this seat is already taken, sit somewhere else)

aurora was taken back. she had literally been at the school for two days, how had she already gotten on someone's bad side?

'oh... sorry' aurora replied quietly and walked away to sit at the back again on her own.

she could hear some people giggling at her.

now aurora really couldn't wait for the day to be over.

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