Practical_Day x Anatolia:

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You were invited by Anatolia to visit the manor, you opened the door and walked around the endless halls, trying to find the garden.

You passed by a Victorian bedroom, inside was perfectly decorated with vintage paintings that'd look like it belonged to a museum, and neatly arranged flowers inside vases, but the scent of it smelled like fresh blood. The old music playing from a record player was soaked into your mind as you watched the scene.

You decided to walk inside, and you saw Anatolia sitting in a chair sleeping amidst a mess of books and pages. You accidentally tripped on a page and fell, the sound woke her up.

"OH- I didn't expect you to be here..." Anatolia looked at you, she offered a hand to you, and you slowly stood up. You stuttered before speaking, "I'm fine, don't worry. Anyways, can you guide me to where the garden is?" You spoke.

Anatolia frantically checked the clock, she was late. She picked up the mess on the floor, "Sorry for the mess, I didn't know I was late!" She said, before calling you to leave.

You two walked around the labyrinth-like manor, until you saw the same old wooden doors, she opened it and then, you finally saw the garden.

It was surprisingly different then the courtyard that looked like it'd span forever, it was small, and peaceful. The design was different too, with quartz decorations and a nice fountain in the centre and benches surrounding it.

You two sat on a bench, you were still admiring the landscape, "So, what do you wanna talk about?" She asked, breaking you from the immersion.

"Oh, um..." You thought about something to talk to, why did you even accept this offer anyways? You knew that you had work to do today.

Anatolia stared at you, waiting for an answer. "How did you get the same illness as me?" She questioned.

You remembered the past, all of those memories flooding back to you again, you always regretted the decisions you made, you blankly stared at her for a few minutes.

When you were out of your remembrance, Anatolia poked at you. "Practical? Are you in there?" She asked, you flinched.

"Oh, I'm glad you're back. I brought some tea if you wanted some..." She coughed, spilling a red camellia on the ground.

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