Chapter 15: Astoria

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As I made my way towards the grand staircase, my eyes were drawn to the sight of my father standing at the end of it, accompanied by the man I had seen with him the previous night. A mix of curiosity and concern filled my mind. Why is that Valhorki here again?? What could possibly be going on?

"The governor's daughter has arrived!" The herald announced.

They turned to where I was and looked up. Their eyes following my every move. As I descended the stairs, their gazes were fixed upon me. It felt like a scene from a movie, where the protagonist makes a dramatic entrance that captures everyone's attention. The grand chandelier above illuminated the grand hall, casting a soft glow on the faces of the guests. The room was filled with the sound of hushed whispers and the rustle of elegant gowns.

"Ah, there she is, the jewel of the governor's mansion," father exclaimed, his voice brimming with pride.

As I descended the stairs, my father greeted me with a warm smile. I maintained my usual emotionless expression. With a nod, I acknowledged his presence, my eyes immediately drawn to the Valhorki standing beside him.

"Lady Santiana, it is an honor to finally meet you. I've heard so much about your beauty and grace."

He extended his hand towards me, expecting a customary greeting. Little did he know, I had no interest in adhering to convention. Instead of accepting it, I stared at his hand, unyielding. Tss.

The governor coughed, a feeble attempt to divert attention away from my audacious remark. I turned my gaze towards him. "Pray tell, Father, who is this fortunate gentleman you have brought before me?"

The governor chuckled, seemingly amused by my demeanor. "My daughter, this is Lord Alexander, a nobleman from a neighboring kingdom. The Kingdom of Valhork."

I knew it!

"Good morning, Lady Santiana," Lord Alexander greeted, his voice smooth and captivating. "I must say, the rumors of your beauty do not do you justice."

I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his flattery. "Save your sweet words, Lord Alexander. I am not easily swayed by empty compliments," I replied.

Lord Alexander's gaze lingered on me, a hint of frustration flickering across his face. "Ah, a woman of discerning taste, I see," he remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and annoyance. "But perhaps you have yet to experience the depth of my sincerity."

I crossed my arms, maintaining my composure. "Sincerity is not measured by words alone, Lord Alexander. It is demonstrated through actions and genuine intentions," I responded firmly. "I have learned to be cautious of those who use charm as a means to an end."

He paused, seemingly taken aback by my response. "You are different, Lady Santiana," he admitted, a touch of genuine curiosity in his eyes. "Most are easily swayed by flattery, but you possess a strength of character that sets you apart."


Lord Alexander is undeniably handsome, with his perfectly styled chestnut brown hair and captivating brown eyes. I can see why other women would be drawn to him and sing his praises. However, I'm not like the others. I see through his charm, and it feels insincere and manipulative to me.

No man, including my own father, will ever have the power to make me fall in love or make me bow down to them. I refuse to be swayed by superficial charm and empty promises. I value my independence and will not let anyone control or manipulate me. Tss, Lord Alexander may have his admirers, but I won't be one of them.

We made our way outside, where a designated area had been set up for our conversation. It had a tea party-like atmosphere, but with a twist. As we strolled towards the outdoor area, the governor continued to extol Lord Alexander's accomplishments. I couldn't quite grasp my father's intentions, as he had yet to reveal the true reason for the man's presence. Meanwhile, the man put on a show, flashing a charming smile in my direction. It caught my eye but I remained guarded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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