Chapter 3: Astoria

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Minutes turned into an eternity as the city held its breath, waiting for the next move. Suddenly, the grand bell of Astoria shattered the silence, its resonant toll echoing three times throughout the city, each ring a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked nearby.

“Pirates!!!” a fisherman's cry cut through the air, his voice a sharp contrast to the ominous tolling of the bell.

The city erupted into a cacophony of noise, a symphony of fear and anticipation. Some residents, their faces pale with fear, rushed into their homes seeking refuge, while others, driven by curiosity and a sense of adventure, chose to stay.

“Pirates!” the fisherman repeated, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and apprehension, his eyes wide with the terror of his encounter.

“Calm down. Where did you see the pirates?” a voice from the crowd asked, trying to bring some order to the chaos.

“There! On the shore, they're sprawled on the sand, unconscious,” the fisherman pointed, his hand shaking.

“Be careful, it could be a trap,” an Astorian warned, his voice filled with caution, reminding everyone of the cunning nature of pirates.

“Summon the Commodore!” someone suggested, a proposal that was quickly echoed by others, their voices filled with a mix of fear and hope.

When the Commodore arrived, accompanied by the Captain, they immediately proceeded to the shore. Five unknown individuals were sprawled on the sand, their battered appearances a testament to a recent battle. Their unconscious state suggested they had fallen into the sea, only to be washed up on the shores of Astoria.

Some speculated that they might have come from the city of Vertan, as rumors were rife that it had been invaded by unidentified pirates.

The As'guards immediately examined the supposed pirates. They were taken aback to find that they were alive but weak, their breaths shallow and their bodies trembling.

“They are alive, Commodore!” one of the As'guards reported, his voice filled with a mix of relief and apprehension.

The As'guards helped the pirates to their feet, their hands steady despite the pirates' weakened state.

“Take them and bring them to Gaol. I have questions for these scoundrels. Hurry!” the Commodore ordered, his voice stern and commanding. The As'guards promptly obeyed, their movements swift and efficient.

“It seems we're next on the list for these sea dogs, Commodore. They're blinded by Astoria's gold. Fools!” the Captain remarked, his voice heavy with concern and a hint of anger. His words served as a stark reminder of the looming threat they faced.

They escorted the pirates to Gaol, where they were provided with food and fresh clothing. Once they had regained some semblance of strength, they were led to a room to face the Commodore's interrogation.

“I demand a full account of your voyage and the circumstances that led you to Astoria!” The Commodore's voice echoed in the room, his tone stern and unyielding. “Are you indeed pirates!?” He sought confirmation, his gaze piercing through their defenses.

“You're right! We are pirates,” one of them admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “We attempted to navigate into the waters of Astoria, but—”

His voice trailed off, his words hanging in the air like an unfinished melody. The captured pirates exchanged uneasy glances, as if an invisible force was stifling their words, or perhaps it was the lingering tendrils of fear that silenced them.

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