Chapter 10: Astoria

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Third Person POV

Captain Barbarian slowly came to, his head throbbing. As his vision cleared, he found himself tied to the ship's mast, his crew similarly bound and lined up on the deck. He tried to move, but the ropes were tight, cutting into his skin. He looked around, his one good eye wide with surprise and anger. Across the deck, he saw Santiana, her sword still in hand.

Noticing movement from the corner of her eye, Santiana turned to see Captain Barbarian finally regaining consciousness. A wicked grin spread across her face as she sauntered over to him, Anastasia following closely behind.

"Well, well, look who's finally awake," Santiana said, her voice dripping with amusement as she stopped in front of the tied up captain. "Did you have a nice nap, Cap'n?"

Captain Barbarian glared at her, but remained silent. Santiana simply laughed, clearly enjoying the situation. She then turned her gaze to a small stage that the pirates had set up on their ship. A smirk played on her lips as she addressed the captain.

"Tss, a DIY stage huh.." she said. She then turned to Anastasia. "Hey Calypso, I think our captain wants to entertain us today. Give him his costume," she said, her words dripping with sarcasm.

Anastasia laughed at Santiana's words. "Oh really? I think he's excited, milady. HAHAHA!" She turned around and headed towards the Astorian women. She whispered something to them and after a few seconds, she returned to where Santiana and the captain of the ship were. Anastasia grinned, holding up a ridiculous outfit that was clearly meant for the captain. "Ready for your big performance, Captain?" she asked, her voice filled with mock concern. She handed Santiana the women's clothing and turned away from them. "Here, milady!" she said with a laugh.

Captain Barbarian's face turned even redder, if that was possible. "Mark me words, ye saucy wench! I'll be havin' me vengeance and not a soul will be spared—"

"I'm not interested," Santiana cut him off. She held out the women's clothing to him. "Now wear this, this is what you wanted, isn't it?"

"Who are you?! Tell me your name!!" the captain demanded, his voice filled with rage and humiliation.

Santiana simply smirked at him. "Tss, I am Santiana, the last person you will see before you visit the Davy Jones locker. Now wear this!" she said.

She was not going to let this man intimidate her. She was in control now and she was going to make sure he knew it.

Captain Barbarian could only glare at them, his face turning red with humiliation. But he said nothing. He knew he was defeated, at least for now. But he also knew that this was far from over. He would have his revenge, one way or another.

The Beard Brigade's ship was filled with laughter as Santiana had Captain Barbarian dance in front of them. He stood in the middle of the makeshift stage, his large belly protruding from a short feminine top, and his lower half was covered in a long pink skirt, much like a bedlah outfit. His appearance was so comical that even his own pirate crew couldn't suppress their laughter.

Santiana sat at the center, a grin plastered on her face while Anastasia and the Astorian women were behind her, all enjoying the spectacle.

"Dance, Barbara! Dance!" Santiana commanded, her grin widening as she watched the captain's humiliation unfold. "Jig about, Barbara! Waggle yer stern, ye blubber bellied buffoon!"

Anastasia was laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAA! YOU'RE REALLY SOMETHING, SANTIANA!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAH!" she said with tears streaming down her face.

Captain Barbarian, red faced and seething, shot back, "Ye'll be payin' for this disgrace, Santiana, I swear on me life!!" He then turned to his crew, "What's got ye cacklin', ye scurvy sea dogs!?" His words caused an immediate silence among his crew.

"You talk too much! Dance!!!" she commanded. "Show us a dance, ye jelly-bellied sea dog! Shake it!" The captain stood defiant, refusing to move. Without missing a beat, Santiana sent an arrow whizzing just above the captain's head, reigniting his fear. "Will you dance or will my arrow dance with you?  Opt for the lethal!"

With no other choice, the captain started dancing again, his movements awkward and causing an uproar of laughter.

"There you go! Go on, shake it, Barbara! Shake it!!!" Santiana cheered, her laughter joining the others. "Give it your all! Wiggle! There, like that! Keep going! Wiggle it, Barbara! Wiggle it!!"

The laughter on the ship grew louder, the Astorians and the captain's crew couldn't contain their amusement. The sight of their formidable captain gyrating and wiggling in front of them was too much. The laughter echoed across the ship, a moment of joy amidst their pirate life.




Laughter filled the ship, some were almost out of breath from laughing so hard. Just the sight of Captain Barbarian in his outfit was hilarious.


Santiana and Anastasia left the Beard Brigade Pirates on their ship, all tied up along with their captain. Despite their exhaustion, they felt a sense of triumph as they sailed back to their homeland where they were welcomed as heroes. Their bravery had not only saved lives but also brought back peace and security to their beloved land.

Upon their return to Astoria, they found the other As'guards preparing to set sail. "I guess I proved you wrong, officers. Women are more powerful than you think," Anastasia said proudly as she passed by the As'guards.

"Santiana, my daughter!" The governor joyfully greeted his daughter, pulling her into a warm embrace. "Thank you.."

News of Anastasia and Santiana's bravery spread like wildfire, inspiring others to stand up against injustice and fight for their rights. Their legacy would forever be etched in the hearts of the people, a symbol of unwavering bravery and unity.

The two women became legendary figures, their story forever immortalized in the annals of their land's history. They were the courageous sailors who sailed day and night to chase the pirates and restore peace.

Astoria was filled with joyous celebrations. Every family rejoiced at the return of their loved ones. Their gratitude towards the two women who saved their lives was immense.

While everyone else was celebrating, Anastasia made her way to the governor's mansion to thank Santiana. However, before she could reach her, she saw Santiana jumping from her room down to the ground and then walking towards the back of the mansion.

Anastasia, somewhat in a trance, followed Santiana until she found herself on a secluded beach in Astoria. This place was far from the bustling city center, located on the outskirts. Not many people ventured here due to the strong waves and the large rocks scattered around.

"What is she doing in a place like this?" Anastasia wondered to herself.

She saw Santiana enter a cave that she never knew existed in their city.

When she entered the cave, she was taken aback by what she saw.

"Holy pirate ship!!!" she exclaimed in surprise.


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