Chapter 1...

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"The pledge of Allegiance is a formal promise of loyalty to the United States.."

Growing up I never understood equality. I knew right from wrong but I never knew what was right or wrong . As I grew, I understood more and cared less. Call it the beginning of my indoctrination. I lost my identity and became a foreigner in the land I grew up in in.

I was born July 28, 1997 at candler hospital in Savannah , Ga. My mother was a Yankee and my father was a southerner and they never married . Herein lies one major facet of my upbringing. My mother being the intellectual pioneer she is blessed me with my intelligence, however my fair skin, looks, and athleticism came from my father. Gifts and a curse I'd say.. My childhood itself wasn't at all pleasant as it was privileged. Majority of my time spent and lessons learned in a single parent household filled with invaluable memories and experiences. Responsibility was a very common term in my mother's house. I learned to cook and clean and pretty much manage a house at the age of 7.

"Heavy is the head who holds the crown, such is the burden of the one who bears the knowledge..."

My concept of time hasn't varied much since my youth , I just understand it a little better now, although in my head name's, dates, and places sometimes seem to run together . Everything I've ever known in my life was about timing . It was as if my mother had a schedule for everything . I feel obliged to say I even feel she set a time to use the bathroom... Though it didn't make sense at the time , she was preparing me for something . I'll never forget my mother saying .. "No matter what when I leave , I'ma leave knowing you are capable of taking care of yourself..."
The term domesticated derives from the Latin word domesticus , which means " for the house". In relation to a person being domesticated it lists a person who is able or willing to do cleaning , cooking, and other things in the home. So what if you don't have a home to be domesticated to ? Can you be domesticated if you live in the wild ? I'd say yes, generally speaking when you apply the term to an animal it means to tame. In relation to real world situations, not specifically applying to but including my childhood, I never felt I belonged in my place of origin or my home of dwelling . Take the label black sheep and definitively apply it to my crucible. Then ask yourself can something born in captivity be released into the wild and survive even if it was never meant to be tamed . Does it know it's origin, or will it find itself a home? Over the years as a race, and a culture we the people have gone through a period of degradation. We constantly and consistently change our views and moral codes with our opinions. What we will and will not allow or condone. I feel personally from birth I was wrongly labeled and misguided. Futile efforts at rebellion led me even further from my true path. Even in deciding to follow or conform , something always nagged at the edges of my conscience as though something was calling to me . While growing up in a technological era , exposure to the newfound societies within the complex diagram of the world became apparent . My innocence was stripped away as fast as I could scroll a page. Without consciously knowing these images where shaping my mind and directing my future. More common were common ideas which lessened the blow of unique ideas. Furthermore dimming the guiding light to a point of distortion. The truth was now being hidden behind a vague but equally solid barrier. To a learned few it was unspoken but communicated well enough to be known by the majority that influences the minority. Now we have the real and unrealistic to be taught in any given manner . Lessons took place beyond classrooms and kitchen tables. Bedside manners lost along side etiquette. Fresh air now a foreign utopia only dreamed about , while the appeal of being outside while socially enjoying the elements became lost in the stride of moving up rather than out. Why is that? We should ask ourselves why we are content with our inclination towards the materialistic pleasures more so than objects of substance . Why the disconnect in our feelings , out of touch with intimacy, displaced goals , impersonal moments and interactions, now more than ever...?

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