Part 1: Dinner

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I am at my human job so that I can pay the bills

I work all day and night I'm surprised Diana doesn't divorce me by now

I am working late tonight so I can't make it to dinner with Diana tonight

I am calling her

Hey. She said

Hey, baby, I'm working late so I can't make it to dinner tonight, I'll get to the house when you're sleeping. I said

Okay, I'll put some food in the fridge for you and I'll leave a glass of wine on the table. She said

Have I told you how much I love you? I asked

Everyday, I'm going to eat and then get home. She said

Okay, be safe, love you. I said

Love you too. She said and I hung up

I feel bad for working so much but I want to help her out so she doesn't have to work that much

Me and Diana work in the same building but I am the boss of it all

After a few hours of working and signing papers

I finally got home

I took my clothes off and I took a shower

Then I put boxers on and I went into the living room to finish some more paperwork that I had to bring home

I grabbed the glass of wine that Diana put out for me and I started to work

It took an hour for me to finish

I got up and rubbed my neck

I went into the bedroom and I laid next to Diana I wrapped my arm around her waist and she moved closer to me then I fell asleep


I am in my office and I am signing papers so that the FBI can bring some artifacts here

After I was done I told my assistant to go get me two coffees and she did

I took them and went downstairs

I went to the room where the FBI brought the artifacts and I saw Barbara talking to Diana

Diana. I said and she looked at me

Hey, I thought you'd be in your office. She said

I finished, I came to bring Barbara a coffee since I assigned her to this she might be here for a while. I said and I handed Barbara the coffee

Oh, I didn't know the boss knew my name. Barbara said

I know everyone's name's Barbara. I said

Then I looked at Diana

And I leaned in and kissed her

I knew you'd be here, I brought you a coffee too. I said and she smiled

Thank you, how much did you have? She asked

Three, I didn't get any sleep last night, I had to bring my work home and I slept for like an hour. I said

Maybe you should take time off, and take your wife on a date. She said and kissed me

I'll leave when you leave today. I said and she fixed my tie and then walked away

Now, Barbara, did you find the artifact for the FBI, they won't stop calling me. I said

Uh, yes I did, did you know that Diana could read Latin? She said it was a hobby. Barbara said

Did she? I taught it to her a few years ago. I said

I didn't know she could marry the boss. Diana said

I was her husband before I was her boss, we grew up together. I said and I picked the artifact up

Oh. She said

It's basically a wishing rock? I asked

Yeah I think. Barbara said

It's probably worth 70$. I said

That's what I said. She said

Okay I think you deserve a break. I said

Really, Diana did offer for us to go to an early dinner I can go find her. Barbara said

Have fun. I said

Then she left and I looked back at the artifact


I am at home I got here after Diana

I walked into the bedroom and I saw her staring at the ceiling

I walked over and she looked at me

Hey, why are you still up? I asked

Couldn't sleep. She said

Sorry I was late again, I had to finish some stuff how about me and you do dinner tomorrow. I said

It's fine I know you work. She said

I'll do anything for you Diana, I'll leave work without doing any of the paperwork. I said and I grabbed her hand and kissed it

Okay. She said with a smile

I do have to take a shower I spilled my lunch and fifth coffee on myself. I said and she laughed a little then she pulled me down and kissed me

You do smell like coffee, go take a shower. She said

Okay. I said

I did and when I got out I laid down and she laid her hand on my chest and we talked until we fell asleep

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