Part 2:Barry Allen

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Me and Diana are watching as Barry and Bruce are getting lowered down from the jet

Did you two find the cyborg? Bruce asked

Diana spoke to him, I had things to do. I said

Give him time. Diana said

Then we looked at the younger kid

You must be Barry. I'm Diana. Diana said and she shook his hand

Hi, Barry, I'm Diana. That's not right. Great. Barry said and I laughed a little

This is Chris, my husband. Diana said and I shook his hand

Nice to meet you Barry. I said

You're a lot nicer in person. Barry said

It's a one time thing, don't get used to it kid. I said

So this is us? Diana asked

Yeah, this is us. Bruce said

Oh! Awesome! Barry said and he pointed at the sky we all looked up and saw the bat signal

That's the bat signal! That's your... Oh, sh... Sorry. That's your signal. That means we have to go now. Barry said

Yeah, that's what that means. Bruce said

It's so cool. Barry said

Then we walked away


I am in my suit and I'm floating on top of the GCPD building

I am next to Diana

We are all in our suits and in front of Jim Gordon

How many of you are there? Jim asked

Not enough. Bruce said

Eight people abducted from or near Star Labs. Here's the potential perp. Jim said and showed us a drawing of a demon looking thing

Parademons. Me and Diana said

Okay. Barry said

The demons must have caught the scent of the Mother Box. They carried people away to find out what they know. Diana said

So the eight may still be alive. Bruce said

Nine. We heard a voice behind us and looked and saw the cyborg

The head of Star labs was taken as well. Cyborg said

You made it. So then, there must be a nest nearby. Diana said

I plotted all the sightings in Metropolis, Gotham. No pattern I can see. The lines on the map don't converge. Jim said

On land. These lead back to Braxton island between the two cities. Cyborg said

Gotham Harbor. These are air vents. They all lead down to the tunnel for Metropolis Project that was abandoned in '29. Bruce said

Then Jim turned around and we except Barry left

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