Part 5: On the way

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I am back in my suit and sitting down in a chair and I'm reading

Is Steppenwolf there? Diana asked

Just a minute. Victor said with a distorted voice

Then his voice went normal and we saw a nap

Sorry. It's Pozharnov in northern Russia. Victor said

The nuclear plant. Had a meltdown 30 years ago. Bruce said as he walked in

Uh, huh. There have been some attempts to resettle nearby. But it looks like really rough sledding. Who picks this place to put down roots? Barry asked

People that have been kicked out of everywhere else. Arthur said

The earth starts changing, it will hit them first. Victor said

How long have we got? Bruce asked

A few hours. Victor said

Transport won't fly that fast. Bruce said

It will for me. Victor said

Great, let's go. I said


We are on the transport and on the way to the nuclear plant

I am leaning against the wall while standing next to Diana

I put her lasso of truth where Arthur was going to sit and now I'm waiting

The unity brings all three boxes together in perfect sync. It's power builds until it can't be contained. But if I can cause a delay between each box, even for a nanosecond, will Cascade, form a loop. Victor said

They'll feed on each other. Bruce said

And that's it? We just pull them apart. No fuss, no muss. Barry said

Separating the boxes is still gonna cause a massive surge. I'll have to be there. But you guys should think about getting clear. Victor said

We're with you till it's done. Diana said

Honestly, I think we're all gonna be dead way before that. And you know what? I don't mind. It's an honorable end. But we got to shut Steppenwolf down. Superman's a no-show. You got no powers. No offense. This guy might be working for the enemy, we don't know. You're tripping over your feet and mine. Arthur said then he looked at me and Diana while I was trying not to laugh

You are stuck on revenge which will get us all killed and your wife, is gorgeous. And fierce, and strong, and... Mmm. I know we went to war with the Amazons but that was way before my time. And you know what? I don't wanna die. I'm young. There's shit that I want to do. I just feel like... I didn't really embrace the sea or the land. I've been a loner my whole life. Arthur said

But being part of something bigger like this, maybe I'm scared because I'm meant to...

Then Bruce pointed at the lasso and I started laughing

Arthur grabbed the lasso from under him

Arthur glared at me and tossed the lasso at Diana

I think that was beautiful. Diana said

That was so stupid. I said with a laugh and Diana hit my arm

I'm sorry. I said and I started laughing again

That was priceless, I got it all on video. I said and then Arthur ran at me

I took off running

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