16. Sixteen

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Erin had continued to work for a few more weeks at the Emerald Palace. She had taken the opportunity to steal some Kruges from Pekka - theft which she would put on her brother's back - before giving the money to Nina so that she could, then, give it to Kaz.

Erin wasn't good at improvising, she needed to have a complete plan in order to complete a mission successfully. She had tried to talk to Kaz to tell her what to do, he had just told her, over and over again, "It's up to you. Prove to me that I did the right thing by choosing you." It wasn't an answer Erin liked and she was ready to drop everything and return to the Slat. It was what her implusive side told her to do, she didn't do it. She had already let her implusivity take over once, she couldn't afford to repeat the experience.

So, Erin did what she did best, she charmed her enemy even more.

Pekka didn't suspect anything and Erin was sure of it. He let Erin manage the various establishments while he spent time with his son; Pekka had finally found someone he trusted to take care of things for him while he was with Alby doing nothing at all. A little more than half of the Dime Lions had difficulty getting used to this change in hierarchy and even refused to follow the orders she gave; the other half, including Jennie, had no problem with it.

During those same weeks, Erin had inherited a nickname that she hated as much as she hated her parents and her brother. The Dime Lions decided to call her "Queen Kaelish". The first time Erin heard this horrible nickname, she had a terrible urge to punch the man, who had dared to call her that, very hard. She hadn't, of course, but she couldn't help but think about the fact that that vile nickname would find its way to Kaz's ears and things would get ugly from then on.

Kaz had been very clear about that. Erin belonged to him. She belonged to him like the other Crows belonged to Kaz. And Kaz didn't like to lend what was his, even less when it came to Erin. Right now, Erin was worried that Kaz would be the one to do something stupid and derail the mission. Erin knew he wouldn't hesitate to end the mission if he felt Pekka was getting a little too close to Erin.

Erin was heading "home" after a long day. She was so exhausted that she didn't even have the courage to heat water for a bath. She closed the door to her apartment and walked towards her bedroom. To get there, she first had to go through the small kitchen. Kaz was sitting in one of the two chairs. Erin wasn't surprised. It was predictable.

"I know why you're here, Kaz. It's not my fault, okay? I had no idea people called me that," she defended herself as if there was something wrong with her.

Erin looked at Kaz with anticipation. Kaz just had a neutral face and Erin had known Kaz long enough to know that facial expression didn't bode well. Erin could see the fury in Kaz's eyes, and the last time Kaz looked like that, he had almost burned Ketterdam to the ground.

Kaz stood up from the chair he was still sitting on. He looked at Erin one last time before announcing in a monotone:

"Stop spreading yourself thin and finish the mission. You have until the end of the week, after that I'll burn it all down and too bad if you're still with them."

Erin sighed. How could she finish a mission in three days? She needed more time. She was just starting to be able to strip Pekka Rollins.

She let Kaz know.

"I have given you enough time. If you are not able to complete the mission, someone else will."

"An extra week is all I'm asking for. I know the combination to the safe where he keeps his money, but I need a little more time to find the combination to the safe where he keeps the documents. all his establishments. Without them, we can't do anything and you know that. Taking all his money but letting him control all the pubs and casinos he owns won't push him into bankruptcy. We have to take everything from him . All his establishments. All his money, down to the last coin he has. His house. His carriage. He must be stripped and reduced to dust. And when we're done with him, no one will remember Pekka Rollins. The world will only know Kaz Brekker. But for that to be possible, I need an extra week."

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