10. Ten

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When Kaz had gone to Erin's father's house for the second time, he knew exactly why he was there. He just didn't have a plan. He hadn't taken the time to plan things. How was he going to kill him? How would he dispose of the body? Would he first force him to confess what kind of torment he had put Erin through - and possibly Fanny, too? Could he really respect Erin's choice and wait to find out the truth?

He imagined being in Erin's place for a moment, if someone had asked him to talk about his past, if he had refused to talk about it and that person had not respected his choice. It would piss him off, that's for sure. But Kaz stopped at nothing when it came to his Crows.

He entered Erin's father's house very slowly. He noticed that even if it was not the same house, the decoration was always the same. Back then, when he was still a child, every time he set foot at Erin's house, he had a feeling of well-being that invaded his whole body, he felt as good there as in his own House. After all, it had been a bit like his second home, he had spent as much time at Erin's house as he had in his own house.

That day, he was walking down the hallway that led to the living room and it was a completely different feeling that invaded Kaz's body. That day, Kaz didn't even want to imagine what horrors had happened every time Erin closed the door behind him. He wondered how many times she had tried to ask him to help her, just how many times had she made him understand that she needed someone to get her out of this hell, and how many times he had been too blind or too stupid to understand that it was a real cry for help. Had his parents known? And Jordie? Had she ever told anyone about it?

Kaz shook his head from side to side, pushing all thoughts out of his mind. Now was not the time to have those kinds of thoughts. He kept walking until he was finally in the living room. He took out his pistol, removed the safety catch.

"I was just waiting for you, Erin," Erin's father announced.

"It's not Erin, you piece of trash."

Surprised, Erin's father stood up from his chair and turned to see who had just burst into his house. Erin's father didn't recognize Kaz. Kaz couldn't blame him, he had changed a lot since the last time they had been in the same room.

"And may I know who you are, my boy?"


He interrupted himself. Should he give him his real last name or should he use the one he adopted after escaping from the sea of bodies? It didn't matter, after all, he was going to kill him.

"Kaz Rietveld."

Erin's father laughed. He hadn't expected to see Kaz standing in front of him.

"She's too afraid to face me so she sends you to do her dirty work for her? That's so typical of her."

Kaz's gaze darkened. All the good feelings he had ever had for this man were gone for good. He raised his arm, the one holding his gun, and pointed it at Erin's father's head.

"Erin isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She just felt that you weren't worth wasting her time on you."

"Did she at least tell you why she wanted me dead?"

Kaz knew that Erin's father was talking to him to buy time and strangely, even though he knew it, he told him that all he had to do was pull the trigger and everything would have been over.

"She doesn't need to tell me. I trust her so if she tells me she wants your head hanging on her bedroom wall, that's exactly what I'm going to give her. "

"Poor Kaz, she always managed to lead you by the nose. Ever since she was little, all she has to do is blink and you do her bidding."

"It may be the truth, but that's just me."

Walk With The Devil [ Kaz Brekker - Six Of Crows ]Where stories live. Discover now