9. Nine

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Kaz was sitting at his desk. He looked intently at the small piece of paper with Erin's handwriting. She was so clear, so diligent. Anyone could have believed that this note had been written by a rich kid and not to a criminal from the Barrel. He smiled – he was safe in his office so he could afford it – telling himself that her writing didn't, at all, reflect the person she was.

He then focused on the address written on this small piece of paper. He recognized the address, it wasn't too far from the Barrel, he could get there and back pretty quickly in case Pim, Keeg or Roeder came back to the Crow Club to report a problem with Erin. He had to do it, he had made a promise, but on the other hand he was hesitant to leave the Barrel. What would happen if Erin needed him and he wasn't there to help her?

Kaz ran his hand through his hair, he was furious with himself, never before had he let his feelings get in the way. He had never had a problem sending one of the Dregs on a mission and leaving on his own to take care of other matters. He couldn't understand how this time was different.

"Damn it, Kaz! Get a hold of yourself!" Pesta Kaz. "Erin is a big girl! Erin can do well on her own! She knows how to handle complicated situations! She can manage without me."

Kaz folded up the small piece of paper and put it back in his pants pocket. He took a few seconds for himself, to collect his thoughts before going downstairs and returning with the others.


The Suli girl raised her head towards her boss, she was waiting for him to give her his orders. He handed her the piece of paper with Erin's father's address.

"Collect as much information as possible. I want to know everything about the person who lives there."

Inej took the paper and left immediately.

"Where are we going ?" Wylan asked.

"You, nowhere."

"What's going on again, Kaz?" Matthias asked, sighing.

"What are you hiding from us?" Jesper asked in turn.

"Nothing. It's for Erin."

"Oh, yes, it's true, the murder of her father!" Matthias said indignantly.

Matthias couldn't believe that Kaz would actually do such a thing. He knew Kaz was cruel and ruthless, but every time he committed a crime he had a good reason, now Matthias didn't understand why he wanted to harm an innocent man's life.

"Listen, Drüskelle, you keep your remarks to yourself! I have enough things to deal with without having to deal with and put up with your remarks."

"Why do you agree to do this?"

"Erin wants me to do it and I know her, she wouldn't ask me to do such a thing if she didn't have excellent reasons. Like all of us, she experienced things that still haunt her to this day. "Today, and if she is convinced that killing the source of her trauma can help her move forward, I will do it without question. Like her, she is doing it for us."

"So you really don't know what happened in his life?"

Wylan really wanted to know what Erin had been through in the past. He wanted to know because he wanted to help her. As Kaz had pointed out, any of them could freely go talk to her and she was there to listen to them for hours while they did nothing but complain. She was always there to offer her help and help them "dispose of the problem", as she put it so well. For once, Wylan wanted to be the one to help solve the problem.

"No, she never talks about it. And even if I did, it wouldn't be my place to tell you. Whatever happened, she doesn't want anyone to know. So respect that. "

Walk With The Devil [ Kaz Brekker - Six Of Crows ]Where stories live. Discover now