7. Air express

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Imagine that your body has been chopped up into pieces, multiply that by a zillion and your in my position right now. Kai woke up from his nap with a burning sensation . His eyes flew open but truth be told, he didn't have eyes currently at that moment. The burning sensation that he felt was actually his body, literally on fire. Kai screamed in his mind and realized, his whole body was gone. Kai screamed again and he suddenly heard, "shut up why don't you? Your not even in pain, so be quiet. Your giving me a splitting headache."Kai calmed down and thought about his current position. His body was gone, there was a sassy voice in his head, and he didn't know where he was. Kai suddenly thought to himself,"where am I? Where is my body, why am I on fire? " The voice in his head obviously thought of this as a bogus situation and irritably said"SHUT UP KID. look, I'm gonna give you the short version of this whole scenario. Your in the sky, flying, or in a scientific way, you were converted. " Kai astounded and at the same time hesitant thought, "to what?" The voice made a loud grunting sound and said"look,you were converted into solar energy. When you had your little showdown with Sparky the wolf pup, you were an inferno itself. Now, I am
kagutsuchi. I was the being that gave you the power to roar in a blaze, but the power also seemed to great for you. That's why we had to escape. The only way to travel and regenerate your health was to travel by solar energy, which was converting your blazing energy into solar energy and traveling through the sky." Kai became silent as he thought of aftermath of the entire battle. His parents...were probably dead and he didn't get to say goodbye. Kai became saddened and tried to cry, but he only seemed to glow brighter. With the brightness, a patch of grass burned hundreds of feet below them in the sky. Kai thought "Woah,i can see that burning patch of grass from all the way up here.How did I cause that
kagutsuchi?" kagutsuchi seemed non existent In his but responded later with "look, because of this power you have now, you are responsible for the flames you cause. A trigger for your flames are emotions, and your flames may very well be used against you." Kai suddenly asked"by who? kagutsuchi must have not heard him as they kept traveling. Night soon started to fall and sight became difficult. Kai began to freak out as he soon became blinded by the night, and if that wasn't the worst, he started free falling. The wind lashed at Kai's as he began to free fall until his flames started to extinguish themselves. kagutsuchi suddenly said"We reached our destination, but obviously, an enemy doesn't want is here. Brace yourself for impact kid, because at the speed were going, were reaching temperatures as high as a volcano. " Kai scared and confused braced himself once again for death and thought to himself"why does this happen to me?" Kai and kagutsuchi crashed to the ground, and a crater full of smoke appeared as an explosion of heat created a barren wasteland around the crater. The smoke suddenly began to sick itself back into the crater until nothing was visible except kai. With no scratches or enemies, he walked out the crater unscathed. Kai wondered how he was even alive, but didn't question the moment. Kai began to embrace life and danced,but was thrown back by a force in his chest. The pain of the blast left kai groaning,loathing the cold sizzling feeling he felt in his chest.
Kai's eyes flared in anger as his blazing aura shown itself, without kagutsuchi. Kai looked everywhere for the source of the attack, and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the true culprit, a grinning Mr. Daniel's. Kai hadn't seen Mr. Daniel's since the afternoon of the fight, but memories of the torment Mr. Daniels caused boosted Kai's anger. Mr. Daniel's coldly smiled and said "I sensed a powerful aura in the sky and decided to shoot it down, it seems I missed, I shot down a weakling. " Mr. Daniels aura radiated itself, which seemed to glow brighter as a full moon suddenly appeared in the sky. An arc of light shot from the moon to Mr. Daniels as Mr. Daniels polo shirt and khaki shorts ripped as his muscles ripped through his clothes. The moon seemed to empower him as he said" You may know me as Mr. Daniels, but you may call me sin. My Guardian is the moon god
Tsukuyomi, and I draw my power from the moon and the stars in the night sky! "Sin" tapped his bracelet and two fans appeared in his hands. They were colored white with pink cherry blossoms,but they looked sharp as a sword. Curious to why Mr. Daniels tapped his bracelet, Kai grabbed his wrist and slammed on his bracelet as Mr. Daniels charged. Instead of the bronze Kunai that appeared before,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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