3.The move

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(Don't forget to vote and comment) I woke up to the bumpyness of a car riding along a road. I looked around and saw my parents in the passenger seat, heading to a house with a sign out front. The neighborhood looked friendly, but it left a creepy chill on my spine and I shuddered. I shook myself together and asked"mom? Dad? Why did you knock me uncouncuss? Why did ylwe suddenly leave? It seemed as if they couldnt hear me, because they gabe no response. I just started to stare at the window when dad announced that we were at the new house. A two story house with three rooms and two bathrooms. A white house with peeled yellow paint that looked old, and upgraded the creepy factor seriously. No matter what my parents said, I would not call this home. I asked for the time and ny dad said a quarter past 12. I was suddenly about to go inside the house when my dad said"Son, help us carry all of these boxes inside the house.When he said that, the moving van showed up and a mountain of boxes tumbled out."Boy this will take long" Kai thought.I charged into the boxes and got to work

It was about 3 o'clock when we finally lugged all the moving boxes into the house. Everyone sweaty with exhaustion, rested for five minutes before resuming. We went to work for another two hours until my parents told me to go out and explore the neighborhood. I went out even though i was skeptical, and soon got lost. I searched for any trace that led me back home, but no luck. I drifted up and down the streets of my neighborhood continuously, but luck chose not to be in my favor. It wasn't until a familiar blue car drove up towards me while I was wandering. To my surprise, it was my parents and they had the most ease of finding me. By the time my parents found me, night had fallen and it was 8 o'clock. Even though it was late, they weren't mad. They just said be more careful, and that was it. By the time i returned home, it was time to go to sleep. But because of the new move, there were no beds. So i slept on the floor and made a pallet, japanese style.Before having the sensation of sleep overwhelm me, my parents were having a fierce discussion. "We must be careful, if we didn't find him, they would have," said my mother. My father abruptly responded,"I understand Leslie, but he must discover the dangers himself. We are parents and we will give him guidance, but we won't always be here."
I shook myself awake and paused. Who are they? What must I discover, and what dangers? Kai tried to listen further, yet the conversation was over. .

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