4. The beginning of the end of my life

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With the permission of my parents, I went outside and tried to make friends. I ran down the concrete streets looking for anyone. With no luck, I found nothing as it seemed like everyone was hiding. A ghost town it was as the sight of another human became rare.Sooner than i realized, the night crept over the once shining sky. Startled, Kai ran down the concrete streets looking for his new home. However, he soon found himself lost in the night. With no sense of direction, he picked up his phone and dialed the number for his parents to come pick him up. Worry in their voices, they quickly got off the phone and said they would be at his direct location in an estimated 20 minutes. The wind soon picked up and Kai ran for warmth under a street lamp by the curb. Trash cans littered the area giving it the appearance of a junk heap. Kai sat there for minutes, until he soon became scared by the thought of what was lurking in the dark around him. The street light soon began to flicker violently and went out in a flash of yellow sparks. Kai hugged the pole thinking to himself, what will he do? Suddenly, a loud bang echoed feet from where Kai stood and he jumped. Startled, he clutched the pole even harder until his phone gave off a searing hot sensation in his pockets to where he fished it out and looked at the screen.from his perspective, it looked as if it were an fiery tornado. From the depths of the vortex, a man stood bearing a gigantic smile to where a maniacal laugh echoed all around Kai. Flames immediately started to engulf the phone with a blazing scorch, where Kai threw the phone down into a puddle in pain. Rain soon poured down and extinguished the flames as if on cue. Kai checked his hands and realized that there were no scars or burns on his hands and stood there mystified. He then checked the puddle for his malfunctioning phone and found not a phone, but his phone wasn't there. Instead, lied a steel bracelet with a golden circular flower petal. Inside the circular figular,lied a pure black triangle. Excited by his new discovery, he quickly put it on. For a split second, the triangle grew bright and immediately became dim. Almost as if notified by the light, Kai's parents arrived immediately asking about his safety. "Im fine", Kai said. With that they headed home.

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