A family Meal

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Mia and Aurora were preparing the side for the bbq as she heard, "Common Vince!!" But the rest was mumbles making Mia and Aurora to look at each other. "Yo Mia the chicken is dry!" Mia and Aurora brought the food out as Dom smiled at his girl. Putting down the food and Aurora was about to sit when Dom grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to sit on his lap. Jesse was the 1st one about to grab food when Dom said, "Since you were the one about to grab food you say grace." Jesse nodded as they bowed their head in prayer as Jesse started, "Dean heavenly spirit thank you for providing..." After the prayer we hear footsteps looking to see Vince as Letty said, "You are always hungry." Aurora stayed silent looking at Dom as he said, "Come eat." Vince walked over kissing Dom on the head and sat down staring at Brian making Aurora stare at them.

After food Jesse and Leon went to grab a movie as Aurora and Mia made popcorn for the gang. Dom was watching the interaction between his sister and his girl. "Hey Rory, Can I talk to you for a second?" Aurora looked confused but looked at Mia when she nodded. They walked outside as Dom looked at Aurora with a smile and said, "You know, I love the relationship between you and my sister. I also been crushing on you as well. I would love for you to be my girl." Aurora blushed as she walked up to Dom grabbing his hands looking up at him. Dom put his hand on her waist leaning down capturing her lips making her smile and deepened the kiss till they heard the car. They pulled apart knowing that it was Jesse and Leon with the movie.

They walked inside as Aurora grabbed blankets making a little nest as the movie and popcorn was set. Watching the movie as Dom and Aurora snuggled and Brian and Mia were talking. The movie distracted them not knowing that Vince went into the kitchen and nearly started a fight.

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