(1.2) Finding Out

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___________________________________ This means a POV change.

... This is a time skip

3:00 PM

Monday, October 2nd

Year 2090

Seattle, Washington

After a decently long commute, Leon was walking along the streets. Unlike the nicer parts of the city up north, the streets of downtown were a bit dirtier and filled with more suspicious people, although not as crime-riddled and as impoverished the neighborhoods down south. Up here, decent people still walked the streets as luxury stores and fancy restaurants occupied the brick buildings of the historic downtown, tech stores selling the latest and innovative inventions. Holograms of newsstands display the news of the world and the latest actions of Yuushas both in the city and around the country.

Speaking of yuushas, it was hard not to see merchandise of various yuushas worn by the people walking by the boy. The boy gave a silent scoff at the idea of turning yuushas into products.

As Leon walked, he looked up at the billboards occupying the skyscrapers, advertising the various yuusha conglomerates and their deeds. Another billboard displayed the latest yuusha news, talking about the latest deeds of yuushas, including stopping a bank robbery just south of the city.

Trying his best to ignore everything around him, he looks down as he walks, taking in the designs of the concrete as he keeps moving.

A few minutes later, he arrived in front of a specific alleyway, he went down it. Thankfully, nobody occupied the graffiti-filled alleyway as he comes across a door. He fishes a key out of his pocket, unlocking the door as he enters.

Upon his entrance, Leon is greeted with the sensation of warmth as he enters. The smell of grease, oil, and cooking meat faint as he closes the door, he is greeted by a small kitchen. The white tiled floors and walls reminding him of the old shows he used to watch about pre-war life.

A moment later, a man enters from a nearby entryway. The white shirt doing little to hide his built figure. The man had light scars across most of his body, his bushy beard doing little to hide the ones on his face. Leon looked down, looking at the absence of one of his arms, even after all this time he was still caught off guard by it. The imposing man gave Leon a wide grin upon his entrance.

"Leon! Was wondering when you'd be here!" He came up to him and gave a one-armed hug to the kid.

"Ow! Watch the arm old man!" Leon painfully responded, reciprocating the hug with his one functioning arm. "Good to see you Curtis."

The older man let go, giving Leon a firm grip on his shoulder. "How'd the first day go?"

Leon shrugged his shoulders. "About as good as one could go." He took his backpack off and set in front of a nearby door. "Uptight and formal, the perfect place for someone like me." He sarcastically remarked.

Leon looked around the small kitchen. "How close are we?"

"We should be open on time. Why don't you get out of that stuffy suit and help me with prep."

Leon grabbed his bag. "Of course, I'll be back in a few." He opens the nearby door which led to a small wooden staircase. Running up he opens the door on top.

Inside lay a quaint and modern apartment. The slowly fading sunlight reflected off the windows in the living room, which gave a decent view of the city and ocean, which would be nicer if not for the storm clouds that'll be above them in a few hours. He walked to a nearby door, inside, a small and frankly bare room sat, with nothing but a small bed tucked into the corner, a mirror, and a wardrobe opposite the bed. A nearby tv hung on the cream-colored wall.

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