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"Ava, how the hell do you do this?" I groan holding the phone to my ear while I stare at my computer.

"First, drop the tude," Ava sasses from the other end of the phone, "Second, I can't help if I can't see the problem!"

"Hey don't be mean!"

"Kendall, you started this so shut up."

"Started what?"

"I will hang up the phone," she threatens.

With that I just roll my eyes at her and switch the phone call to a facetime. Ava's face fills my phone and she's sitting in her own living room all the way in Ohio.

"Are you going to the game?" I ask when I see her wearing a Ducks jersey.

"Duh," she says like it should be obvious, which it is. The team has their season opener tonight by they're playing in Columbus against the Blue Jackets, aka the arena is like forty minutes from Ava and Ethan's place. "Trev got Ethan and I, plus a few of our friends tickets."

"Okay then help me understand this math homework so I can let you go," I say flipping the camera on my screen. I hold my phone so she can read the math problem on my computer. I can see her studying the problem.

"Well the answer's ninety-two," she says.

"What? How?" I sit up more like getting closer to the computer is suddenly gonna make it make sense to me.

Ava goes onto explain that problem and three more to me before Ethan gets home.

"We gotta go, I love you, we'll talk later!" Ava says as she's holding her phone in one hand and collecting all of her things to leave.

"Bye! Love you!"

And then my phone screen goes black. I take a deep breath and decide I'm done with homework for a little bit. I check the time, there's still an hour till the game. I'll turn on the channel and rest my eyes for a bit....

I wake up to my phone vibrating against my hip.


I slowly sit up as I reach for it. Jamie's contact photo fills my screen.


I look up at the TV hanging on the wall across from me. It's playing the post game recap of the game. The score, 3-2 Ducks, sits behind the reporters.

No...I didn't...

My phones still vibrating in my hand.

"Shit," I cuss to myself. I can't believe I fell asleep on the couch. I quickly answer the call, "Hi!"

I put Jamie on speaker so I can quickly look for the game highlights.

"Hey!" he answers sounding happy.

I can't lie to him.

"Babe?" I start to sit up, brushing my fingers through my hair.

"Yes?" He sounds worried as he asks.

"I won't lie, I slept through the game," I tell him.

Jamie starts laughing, "I kind of assumed when I had no texts from you about the fight or Trevor's goal."

"I'm sorry," I sigh.

"Don't be, there's a lot more games to come," he says.

"You're too nice to me, J," I say pushing my blanket off me so I can stand up go get ready for bed and then go to bed for real.

"Tell me about the game," I say as I grab my computer from the floor and head towards my room.

I put Jamie on speaker phone while he tells me about the game and I do my skin care.



"I think I see them," Jamie says from behind me as his hands squeeze my shoulders. We're standing in LAX waiting for Mallory and Finn. They're flying in for my birthday and the Ducks home opener.

"Where?" I go up on my tip toes trying to look through the crowd. All I see are people I don't recognize.

"Right...there," Jamie points past my head and I follow the imaginary line coming from his finger.

"Oh my god!" I bounce on my toes wrapping my hands around Jamie's wrist excitedly. I spot Mallory saying something to Finn, who stands a head above her. Then she turns my direction and we make eye contact.

"Ken!" Mallory says with a big smile, picking up speed as she drags Finn by the hand behind her. I break away from Jamie and meet her in the middle.

"Hi!" I say into her hair as we throw our arms around each other.

We haven't seen each other in four months, I think that's the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other.

"We can never go this long apart, ever again!" Mallory says as we slowly step apart. It's like she read my mind.

"Agreed," I sigh as we both turn to look at our boyfriends who are already talking like they've also been friends forever.

"Well they like each other!" Mallory smiles with one of her arms still resting across my shoulders.

"Did you think they wouldn't?" I look over at her with a brow raised. I mean they've said hello to each other over the phone before but just never actually met. But Finn's into hockey, Jamie obviously plays hockey, so that's at least one common factor.

"I don't know, boys are wired!"

"True," I laugh.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask looking at Mal and Finn.

"He's never had In-N-Out," Mallory smirks stepping away from me and over to Finn who she pokes teasingly in the arm.

My jaw drops because In-N-Out is my favorite fast food, it's simple and yummy every time, "Oh my god! We're going!"

"After we get my luggage," Mallory says. And of course there's another bag. Finn is already rolling two smaller bags and holding a garment bag.

"There's more?" Jamie asks.

"J, if you think I over pack?" I shake my head, "She probably packed for a month and they're only here for six days."

"Yeah but that includes Halloween, which these are our costumes," Mallory points at the black garment bag, "Plus a birthday surprise."

She smirks at me.

"Mal! I said no gifts!" And let's be clear, no gifts was a Mallory only thing because of her coming out here for my birthday.

"Sush," she says to me then to the group, "Let's go get my bag and then food!"

written in the stars // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now