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"They're probably gonna ask me about you," I say as I walk from my closet to bathroom, pulling a t-shirt over my head.

I'm getting to leave to go do this live radio show thing with Trevor for the team. Training camp starts soon so the teams also starting to promote more again. It's getting me excited for the season.

"That's okay," Kendall shrugs from my bed where she's laying, doing something on her phone.

"Are you sure?"

"I mean," she sits up, setting her phone aside to look at me, "I still want to keep this private but c'mon on Jamie! People saw up holding hands all weekend at Stagecoach, we may have not posted explicitly together but people can put pieces together. Plus people have speculated forever because we subtlety post each other. It is what it is."

"I know but we haven't really talked about it, it kinda just happened and we moved on," I shrug.

"Are you okay with it?" She asks.

"It's weird having people I don't know at all in my business."

"You don't have to talk about us if you don't want to," she smiles, "It won't hurt my feelings."

"But I want to talk about you," I smile standing up and making my way over to the bed. Kendall moves her legs so I can sit next to her.

"Then talk about me," she smiles, "It's your choice." She reaches for my hand, leaning forward.

"Just keep it PG," she chuckles.

"Can do," I lean over and give her a quick kiss.

"You sure?" She kisses me again.

"Not anymore," I kiss her again. Kendall smiles into the kiss.

"Just have fun, don't over think anything," she says pulling away.

"Do you wanna come?" I ask with out thinking about it, "They said we could bring whoever."

"Jamie," she chuckles, "I think they meant like publicist and people like that."

"You are my publicist. I'll look at you to know when to shut up," I smile at her.

"Jamie I can't, I have to go grab some books for school." Her hand comes to my cheek, "You'll be fine. Plus Trev will probably take up most of the conversation anyway!"

"You're probably right," I laugh.



After sending Jamie off to his day of media I head back to my own house to shower and change before running my own errands.

And while I'm getting ready I've got the radio playing from my computer so I can listen to Jamie and Trevor's interview.

It started a couple minutes ago and the interviewer asked the boys about their time off. They both basically said the same thing, "It was nice to see family and just relax but I'm ready for the season to start."

"Speaking of family," the interviewer starts, "Jamie, I have to ask you about something. We'll keep it brief. But it involves someone's sister."

Trevor muffles a laughs in the background. I bet Jamie is blushing.

"You've been spotted with a special someone recently, or I guess for a while now. You guys were spotted together at Stagecoach, she was seen in your hometown at the end of last season and happens to be related to Mr Zegras over here," the interview says with a tone of understanding we want to keep things private but also want to give the people some details.

"Yeah uhm," Jamie starts. He clears his throat like he's not sure what to say.

I can't see him but I know he's probably blushing right now.

And the interviewer confirms my thoughts, "You're blushing!"

Jamie softly laughs, making me smile as I apply my own blush.

"Yeah we've been together for almost what? Two years in a couple months? She's the best," he keeps it's short and simple.

Holy shit, he's right. It's almost been two years?

"And from my understanding, talking to you guys before this, she just moved out here right? Are you guys living together or all three of you?" The interviewer laughs.

"No, we're not she's got her own place and Z, Mason and I are still livin together," Jamie responds, "But it's nice for all of us. I get to see my girl more then I ever was before and Z gets to see his sister more."

"How do you feel about this relationship, Z? Your little sister and teammate dating?"

My brother clears his throat like he's gonna say something mean, "Well....I'm kidding, I love it! I think they're a perfect match. I don't think I've ever seen them fight. They're each others biggest fans. But the best part is that she likes to cook and now that she's out here she's always bring us food."

"No she cooks for me, you and Ogie just eat it all before I get home," Jamie counters. And is partially true, I normally just make too much food so there's enough for all three of them.

"Now the real question is who's number is she going to be wearing this season? We've seen her rocking the eleven the last few years, is this the year she'll be rocking the six?"

Duh, I'd much rather wear Jamie's number then my brothers.

"It's up to her," Jamie says.

"Maybe we'll get her a jersey that's that's and half?" My brother adds. I scrunch my noise at that, because what?

"Like I said, we'll leave it up to her," Jamie laughs.

The rest of the interview is all hockey related questions but I still listen to it as I fix my hair into a bun and change into shorts and t-shirt so I can run to the campus library to pick up my books for the semester.

It ends right before I head out to my car. Which is also when I run into Lucy who's just getting home from work. She's got her apron in hand along with quite a few other things.

"Need help?" I ask.

"I'm good, thank you," she smiles sweetly as she adjust the grip she has on her keys.

"Where are you off to?" She asks as I unlock my car opening the drivers side door.

"The library, I need a few things for classes. Do you need me to grab anything?" I offer because why not?

"Yes actually! I was gonna go after I changed and showered all the wing smell off me," Lucy laughs, she works at a local sports bar and with the NFL season starting back up Sunday mornings-afternoons are her busy times.

"I'll grab it, just text me what you need," I smile at her.

"Will do, it's some workbook for a stats class," Lucy shrugs walking towards the front door.

"Is it one that the professor made himself?" I ask.

"Yeah, are we in the same class?" She laughs.

"Tuesday and Thursday's at noon?"

Lucy nods laughing, "That's perfect because I suck at math!"

"I'm not much better, we'll struggle together," I laugh.

"Sounds like a plan," she laughs continuing inside, "And thank you!" 

"Of course!"

written in the stars // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now