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Cale found himself at yet another noble's party, reluctantly attending due to his father's insistence.

His attempts to evade the socialites were unsuccessful, and he soon found himself encircled by a group of women. Despite considering using his dominating aura, he hesitated, suspecting it wouldn't yield the desired effect this time.

"Young master Henituse," said a girl with long black hair. He briefly pondered whose daughter she might be before deciding he didn't particularly care. "I see your kids didn't come with you this time."

Cale, accustomed to these inquiries by now, opted for a neutral response, "This is not a place for kids." His thoughts drifted briefly to his kids, grateful for their absence from the potentially overwhelming social event.

He certainly didn't need a vicious dragon making commentary in his head, or two cats causing cat-astrophes around. He had enough with the gossip mill about his two cat adjacent kids, he didn't want to imagine what would On and Hong manage to cause if they get Raon to participate. Ever since the little dragon had begun to play around in his human form, the three of them had gotten into more problems than Cale wanted to deal with.

Sure, he hadn't been the one fixing the problems, but the feeling was the same.

Also, he wasn't lying. Despite the fact that the children under his care possessed superhuman abilities, it wasn't suitable for them to be present at an adult-oriented gathering. He recognized that this was a formal occasion, and having two young cat children and a tiny dragon staying up past their bedtime wouldn't be appropriate or conducive to a relaxing environment for anyone involved.

Especially for Cale.

"Oh, you're such a good guardian to them," cooed another girl, her words making Cale inwardly cringe.

"You take such good care of them!"

*But I am not taking care of them? they take care of themselves, and they take care of me.* However, the sentiment brought a wave of discomfort over Cale. The idea of him being responsible for the children made him feel slightly distressed. He believed that they were capable of taking care of themselves and, in many ways, looked after him more than he looked after them. He didn't consider himself fit to raise children, feeling like he was inadequate in that role.

Cale was grateful that the kids had more role models than himself. If it were just the four of them, it would create far too much trouble, and he knew he couldn't handle that alone. He needed Alberu to manage the issues they created, not be overwhelmed by them.

"I manage," Cale responded, trying to maintain a level of control.

"I am sure you do, young master," another woman chimed in, unfazed by his dominating aura that was clearly working overtime in this situation. "But I'm sure you also need help. The little girl from last time is what, twelve? I'm certain she needs something more of a mother figure."

"It must be hard taking care of kids alone," another woman added, invading his personal space. "I could be of help if you want."

Cale's frown deepened slightly. He recalled the individuals residing in the Super Rock Villa and the Black Castle, who were instrumental in assisting him in caring for the kids. "I am not raising them alone."

"You are not?!" A chorus of female voices exclaimed in surprise at his revelation.

"Dongsaeng," a hand landed on Cale's shoulder, and the sensation brought an unexpected sense of calm. It was a presence he knew well, and this time, instead of causing unease, it offered reassurance. He recognized the word, the hand, the voice, and the familiar scent. With Alberu standing at his back—literally and figuratively—Cale's tension eased slightly.

"Your Highness," Cale responded, turning to acknowledge Alberu's presence. He noticed Alberu was standing a bit closer than what was deemed appropriate. From this proximity, Cale could discern the tiny, almost imperceptible freckles on Alberu's sun-kissed cheeks. He observed the length of his eyelashes as Alberu blinked at him.

Unbeknownst to Cale, he had initiated a Record, capturing a detailed image of Alberu in his mind.

Cale was not oblivious to his feelings, realizing he had a slight crush on Alberu. However, he opted not to act on it or give much attention to the crush. He had chosen to simply ignore the feelings, hoping they'd eventually fade away. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny the appreciation he felt for his crush being in close proximity.

"What are you discussing with the esteemed ladies?" Alberu inquired, maintaining a polite smile, yet Cale could sense an underlying annoyance in his demeanor.

What's happening now, Cale thought, and at that moment, he decided he didn't care.

He would let Alberu handle whatever this was.

"We were inquiring about how challenging it is to care for the kids alone," one of the girls interjected.

"We were suggesting perhaps having a more motherly presence around."

"Ah! You're talking about On, Hong, and Raon?" Alberu responded aloud, deliberately disregarding the previous suggestion. Cale furrowed his brow slightly. Why was the crown prince so at ease mentioning his -the- kids' names? It almost seemed like he was boasting about his closeness to them.

"Do you know them, Your Highness?" One of the women inquired, leaning forward to gather more information, either for the sake of gossip or her own curiosity.

"Yes, I do," Alberu responded, smiling warmly at the lady. "They are incredible kids; Cale is such a good dad to them."

Cale felt something blossom on his chest, warm and kind, making him want to both smile and stab himself all over again. The fact that Alberu had acknowledged him as the kid's dad was just—He didn't know how to react.

"I manage," Cale reiterated, once more uncertain about the conversation's direction. Unbeknownst to him, a red tint had colored his cheeks and ears, giving him a soft look.

"That reminds me," Alberu turned to Cale, his eyes widening slightly, a hint of a frown touching his lips—a sure sign that he was about to make Cale's life more annoying. "I left them asleep in my bed since the oldest said she didn't like the room I gave them. You can go pick them up when we're finished here."

Cale's frown deepened slightly. He was already aware of the kids being in that room. Eruhaben had reinforced the area to enhance safety against threats like assassinations and teleportation, making it the most secure place in the palace.

"That's fine, Your Highness," Cale responded, his expression revealing few emotions, but he was certain Alberu could perceive the questions in his eyes. "I will just sleep in there if that's alright with you."

"Of course, you are always welcome to stay there."

The entire conversation seemed to tread on the boundaries of appropriateness, and Cale pondered whether he was being culturally insensitive or if there was a different context he wasn't comprehending. Nevertheless, he observed the woman, who was now silently observing them with a furrowed brow, before excusing himself and leaving.

After such cumbersome events he was definetely going to sneak away to go nap with the kids.

As he departed, the last thing he overheard was Alberu making another comment to the ladies, "Ah, yes, Commander Cale is such a caring dad, isn't he?"

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