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Sometimes Cale wondered how he ended up in this situation.

It was an unremarkable day of spring. He had woken up at nine in the morning without being prompted by Ron, as the light had finally managed to pierce through his curtains and had aroused him from his slumber. He stretched himself up just to touch the bed and noticed that there was something missing on it.

Specifically, his three kids averaging nine years of age.

Still, Cale didn't freak out much. His breath just hitched for a second before his memory settled down and he finally remembered that the kids were probably playing around in their orchard, or maybe they had gone to the black castle to spend their day.

Regardless he was now alone in his room and since no one had come to wake him up. He assumed it would be a nice quiet day.

He was greatly mistaken.

Upon leaving his room, he was surprised to see gifts and letters in front of his door. There were flower crowns, beads collars, painted rocks, pressed flowers. Those were all small tokens, gifts, some had bows some were in little boxes. Not understanding what all of this was, Cale grabbed the closest letter and opened it.

Dear Cale-nim,

Cale closed the letter, took a deep breath and opened it again.

Happy Father's Day! I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for me. Ever since my parents passed away, you've been there for me, and I can't thank you enough. I remember how tough it was after they were gone, but you came into my life and made things better.

You gave us a home, not just a house but a place where we feel safe and loved. You always make sure we have enough food and keep us warm. You work really hard for us, and I appreciate it a lot. You always make sure we have everything we need, and you surprise us with gifts, making us feel like we aren't alone.

I may not say it much, but I'm really grateful for all that you've done for us. You're not just someone who takes care of us, but you're the best father we could ask for. You support us, guide us, and take care of us. I'm really lucky to have you in my life. You've taught me so much, and I hope to be as caring and kind as you are.

So, on this special day, I wanted to remind you how much you mean to me. I love you, Dad. Thank you for being the best parent ever. Even though I'll always miss my parents, you've made a big difference in my life.

Happy Dad's Day!

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.


Attached to the letter were some pressed flowers. Blinking, Cale realized those were red puppy flowers from the Ubarr Territory. It looked like a cute book marker, made out of hand by the kids. Cale looked up, seeing the amount of letters and gifts. It seemed like every wolf kid had left a letter and a gift. He even saw some small drawings from those kids who were unable to write yet.

Cale didn't know how to react.

With a gentle quiver in his hands, Cale gathered all the gifts and cards left by the wolf kids and made his way back to his room. The unexpected display of affection left him feeling a mix of emotions. As he settled in, he carefully began to read each letter, savoring the heartfelt sentiments penned by each child and observing the handcrafted gifts they had made. The love and gratitude expressed in each note were overwhelming. Cale couldn't understand what the kids were saying, thinking that this all was obviously a mistake.

They couldn't be talking about him.

He was trash.

Each note and handcrafted token was a testament to the love and gratitude they held for him, and it made the weight of responsibility lighter, knowing the impact he had on their lives.

He thinks the kids are wrong, or confused.

Still, Cale loved gifted things. He carefully collected each small, handcrafted detail and found safe places to keep them. Additionally, he saved the heartfelt letters with great care, placing them in a small box that he stored discreetly within his spatial pocket—a private treasure trove known only to him.

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