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Cale looked at the small dragon, named Raon Miru, as he sat on the window sill looking at the night.

It had been a challenging four days, working through the trauma he'd experienced at the hands of Venion Stan by means of torturing his demons. Today marked the first day the little dragon was finally resting. Cale and the other children, averaging 7 years of age, had been sleeping when he sensed Raon's movement, prompting him to awaken. Luckily, Cale was a light sleeper; otherwise, Raon would have faced everything alone.

Quietly rising from the bed, Cale approached Raon, standing silently beside the small creature while they both took in the starry night that welcomed their sleeplessness.

They remained in that peaceful stance for some time, simply observing the stars and allowing the breeze to sway the curtains around them.

"The first night I was free, I looked up to the sky and loved it instantly" Raon talked softly, his eyes not leaving the sight in front of him. "I couldn't believe there were so many lights"

Cale remained silent, empathizing with the dragon's experience in a way. He recalled his own time trapped under rubble, hiding from monsters for three long days—an experience that allowed him to understand what Raon might have gone through. During those desperate moments, he remembered knowing the sky existed, but the memory of its appearance had eluded him.

And then Lee Soo Hyuk had rescued him. He fed him, let him out of the rubble and helped him walk out of the monster zone.

Kim Rok Soo, at that moment, saw the sky for the first time in three days. He marveled at how the stars gleamed against the backdrop of the dark canvas of the night. The stars, a constant presence, had always illuminated the night, yet for Kim Rok Soo, who had feared he might never see the sky again, the sight was a source of immense wonder.

"I thought the cave was the whole world" Raon whispered and Cale wished he had a time traveling ancient power to go back in time and prolong Venion Stan torture.

Cale lifted his hand and tenderly placed it on top of Raon's head, softly petting the dragon's scales.

"You will be safe," Cale mumbled reassuringly, slowly lifting the child while their gazes remained fixed on the sky.

His arms quivered slightly under the weight, but he persisted for the sake of the kid.

"I know, human," Raon responded.

"I will not abandon you."

And Cale was truthful in his commitment. Taking the little dragon under his care meant assuming responsibility for the small child.

They remained in quiet observation of the sky until Cale sensed the dragon leaning more against his chest. Glancing down, he noticed the child's drooping eyes before turning and heading back towards the bed.

"Thank you for showing me the sky," Raon expressed.

"You're welcome," Cale replied softly.

"Thank you"

"Is alright"

"Dad," Raon murmured.

Cale halted abruptly, his chest pounding wildly at the unexpected words. Peering down at Raon, who was now breathing softly in his arms, Cale felt a whirlwind of emotions. Despite the tumult within, he opted to suppress the feelings and return to bed.

Nonetheless, he made his way to the bed and gently laid the child down. Slipping under the blankets, Cale settled in. The small, slumbering dragon instinctively turned towards him, curling up for warmth.

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